
class EventQueue

The EventQueue class is when events are queued to execute, but have not yet executed.

Some events may be ‘de-listed’ from the Event Queue if thier trigger changes back to ‘false’, if they are set persistent=False.

Public Types

typedef std::list<rrllvm::Event> _Sequence
typedef std::less<_Sequence::value_type> _Compare
typedef _Sequence::const_iterator const_iterator
typedef _Sequence::iterator iterator
typedef _Sequence::const_reference const_reference

Public Functions

bool eraseExpiredEvents()

remove expired events from the queue.

bool hasCurrentEvents()

are any events current (delay == 0 and triggered or persistant)

bool applyEvents()

assign all of the top most events with the same priority and remove them from the queue.


true if any events were assigned, false otherwise.

uint size() const

number of events in the queue

const_reference top()

event with lowest time to assignment and highest priority.

void push(const Event &e)

insert a new event into the queue.

The queue is re-sorted.

double getNextPendingEventTime()

the time the next event is sceduled to be assigned.

void saveState(std::ostream &out)
void loadState(std::istream &in, LLVMExecutableModel &model)

Private Members

_Sequence sequence

the data structure that holds the collection of events.

Currently use a list, sortable and constant time insertion.

_Compare comp


friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &stream, const EventQueue &queue)