class Variant
A basic type to hold a variety of data types.
Unfourtunatly C++ does not have a standard variant type so we have to create one here.
This is a fairly low performance class and is intended soley for infrequent operations such as Variant configuration parameters.
If Python support is enabled, this class can convert to and from a Python object.
Usage: This class can convert to and from any primitive data type, and some collections types. More type conversions will be added as needed.
To store a value, just assign it, the assignment operator automatically takes care of everything for you:
// store an int: int i = 23; Variant v = i; // store a double: Variant v = (double)0.123;
Extraction: To retrieve the stored data, uses the convert function, this is templated so it can convert and extract to any type:
Variant v = getSomeVariant(); // to convert to integer: int i = v.convert<int>(); // to convert to std::string: std::string s = v.convert<std::string>();
Rationale: C++ does not have a built in variant type. Other variant types exist such as boost::any and Poco dynamic var. However including the one of these as part of our public wrappers would forever tie us to that particular library, and would impose yet another dependency.
Only very basic variant type support is needed and this class exposes the absolute minimum possible wrappers to support such features, and provides just two methods of getting and storing native C++ types in it.
This is currently implemented by Poco but the implementation is fully opaque and may change in the future.
Public Types
enum TypeId
list of currently supported types that a Variant can hold.
enumerator STRING
enumerator BOOL
enumerator INT32
enumerator UINT32
enumerator INT64
enumerator UINT64
enumerator FLOAT
enumerator DOUBLE
enumerator CHAR
enumerator UCHAR
enumerator EMPTY
enumerator STRING
Public Functions
creates an emtpy variant
template<typename T>
inline Variant(const T &val) create a new variant from an existing supported data type.
This templated constructor can assign any primitive type:
Variant v = (int)1; Variant v = std::string("a std::string");
inline Variant(const char *str)
template<typename T>
inline Variant &operator=(const T &value) Assignment operator for assigning POD to Var same as the constructor, this assigns a value to an existing Variant.
virtual ~Variant()
clean up any data owned by this object.
const std::type_info &typeInfo() const
get the type id of the stored data type.
This will let you check what kind of data is strored in this variant.
// to check if this is an integer: Variant v = ... if (v.type() == typeid(int)) std::cout << "its an int"; // to check if its a std::string: if (v.type() == typeid(std::string)) std::cout << "ints a std::string";
template<typename T>
inline T convert() const Convert this variant to a supported data type.
This method will try to perform type coercion, i.e. if this variant contains a std::string, and it is asked to convert to a int, the std::string will be parsed as an int. Similary, doubles will be rounded to int, so forth.
// convert to int: int i = v.convert<int>();
std::string pythonRepr() const
Convert to Python-compatible representation.
- Author
bool isString() const
is this variant a std::string.
bool isInteger() const
was an integer stored here.
bool isNumeric() const
is this a numeric type.
bool isBool() const
is this a boolean type.
bool isEmpty() const
true if empty.
bool isSigned() const
true if this is a signed number.
bool isDoubleVector() const
Public Static Functions
Private Functions
void alloc()
void assign(const std::type_info &info, const void *value)
void convert_to(const std::type_info &info, void *value) const
Private Members
struct VariantImpl *self
enum TypeId