class Logger
The roadrunner logger.
A set of static method for setting the logging level.
Public Types
enum Level
same as Poco level, repeat here to avoid including any Poco files as Poco is usually linked statically so third parties would not need to have Poco installed.
enumerator LOG_CURRENT
LOG_CURRENT: Use the current level — don’t change the level from what it is.
LOG_FATAL: A fatal error. The application will most likely terminate. This is the highest priority. LOG_CRITICAL: A critical error. The application might not be able to continue running successfully. LOG_ERROR: An error. An operation did not complete successfully, but the application as a whole is not affected. LOG_WARNING: A warning. An operation completed with an unexpected result. LOG_NOTICE: A notice, which is an information with just a higher priority. LOG_INFORMATION: An informational message, usually denoting the successful completion of an operation. LOG_DEBUG: A debugging message. LOG_TRACE: A tracing message. This is the lowest priority.
enumerator LOG_FATAL
enumerator LOG_CRITICAL
enumerator LOG_ERROR
enumerator LOG_WARNING
enumerator LOG_NOTICE
enumerator LOG_DEBUG
enumerator LOG_TRACE
enumerator LOG_CURRENT
Public Static Functions
static void setLevel(int level = LOG_CURRENT)
sets the logging level to one a value from Logger::Level
static int getLevel()
get the current logging level.
static void disableLogging()
Suppresses all logging output.
static void disableConsoleLogging()
stops logging to the console, but file logging may continue.
static void enableConsoleLogging(int level = LOG_CURRENT)
turns on console logging at the given level.
static void enableFileLogging(const std::string &fileName = "", int level = LOG_CURRENT)
turns on file logging to the given file as the given level.
If fileName is an empty std::string, then this will use the file specified in the Config::LOGGER_LOG_FILE_PATH. If this is empty, a file called “roadrunner.log” will be created in the temp directory.
The temp directory may be specified via Config::TEMP_DIR_PATH. If this is empty, then the system spefified temp dir is used.
static void disableFileLogging()
turns off file logging, but has no effect on console logging.
static std::string getCurrentLevelAsString()
get the textural form of the current logging level.
static std::string getFileName()
get the name of the currently used log file.
static void setFormattingPattern(const std::string &format)
Internally, RoadRunner uses the Poco logging framework, so we can custom format logging output based on a formatting pattern std::string.
The format pattern is used as a template to format the message and is copied character by character except for the following special characters, which are replaced by the corresponding value.
An example pattern of “%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %p: %t”
would produce the following output:
2013-10-25 14:12:45 Fatal: console and file: A fatal error 2013-10-25 14:12:45 Critical: console and file: A critical error 2013-10-25 14:12:45 Error: console and file: An error 2013-10-25 14:12:45 Warning: console and file: A warning. 2013-10-25 14:12:45 Notice: console and file: A notice.
The following formatting pattern descriptions is copied from the Poco documentation:
s - message source
t - message text
l - message priority level (1 .. 7)
p - message priority (Fatal, Critical, Error, Warning, Notice, Information, Debug, Trace)
q - abbreviated message priority (F, C, E, W, N, I, D, T)
P - message process identifier
T - message thread name
I - message thread identifier (numeric)
N - node or host name
U - message source file path (empty std::string if not set)
u - message source line number (0 if not set)
w - message date/time abbreviated weekday (Mon, Tue, …)
W - message date/time full weekday (Monday, Tuesday, …)
b - message date/time abbreviated month (Jan, Feb, …)
B - message date/time full month (January, February, …)
d - message date/time zero-padded day of month (01 .. 31)
e - message date/time day of month (1 .. 31)
f - message date/time space-padded day of month ( 1 .. 31)
m - message date/time zero-padded month (01 .. 12)
n - message date/time month (1 .. 12)
o - message date/time space-padded month ( 1 .. 12)
y - message date/time year without century (70)
Y - message date/time year with century (1970)
H - message date/time hour (00 .. 23)
h - message date/time hour (00 .. 12)
a - message date/time am/pm
A - message date/time AM/PM
M - message date/time minute (00 .. 59)
S - message date/time second (00 .. 59)
i - message date/time millisecond (000 .. 999)
c - message date/time centisecond (0 .. 9)
F - message date/time fractional seconds/microseconds (000000 - 999999)
z - time zone differential in ISO 8601 format (Z or +NN.NN)
Z - time zone differential in RFC format (GMT or +NNNN)
E - epoch time (UTC, seconds since midnight, January 1, 1970)
%[name] - the value of the message parameter with the given name
%% - percent sign
static std::string getFormattingPattern()
get the currently set formatting pattern.
static std::string levelToString(int level)
gets the textual form of a logging level Enum for a given value.
static Level stringToLevel(const std::string &str)
parses a std::string and returns a Logger::Level
static bool getColoredOutput()
check if we have colored logging enabled.
static void setColoredOutput(bool)
enable / disable colored output
static void setProperty(const std::string &name, const std::string &value)
Set the color of the output logging messages.
In the future, we may add additional properties her.
The following properties are supported: enableColors: Enable or disable colors. traceColor: Specify color for trace messages. debugColor: Specify color for debug messages. informationColor: Specify color for information messages. noticeColor: Specify color for notice messages. warningColor: Specify color for warning messages. errorColor: Specify color for error messages. criticalColor: Specify color for critical messages. fatalColor: Specify color for fatal messages.
The following color values are supported:
default black red green brown blue magenta cyan gray darkgray lightRed lightGreen yellow lightBlue lightMagenta lightCyan white
static void log(Level level, const std::string &msg)
logs a message to the log.
This is most useful from Python as C++ code will typically call the LoggingBuffer via the Log macro.
static void setConsoleStream(std::ostream *os)
Set a pointer to an std::ostream object where the console logger should log to.
Normally, this points to std::clog.
This is here so that the Logger can properly re-direct to the Python sys.stderr object as the QT IPython console only reads output from the python sys.stdout and sys.stderr file objects and not the C++ file streams.
enum Level