class EvalVolatileStoichCodeGen : public rrllvm::CodeGenBase<EvalVolatileStoichCodeGen_FunctionPtr>
Evaluate ‘volatile stoichiometries’, or, stoichiometries that can change over the course of a simulation.
Public Functions
EvalVolatileStoichCodeGen(const ModelGeneratorContext &mgc)
virtual ~EvalVolatileStoichCodeGen()
virtual llvm::Value *codeGen()
Public Static Attributes
static const char *FunctionName = "evalVolatileStoich"
Private Functions
bool isConstantSpeciesReference(const libsbml::SimpleSpeciesReference *ref) const
determine if the given reference dpends on any non-constant elements.
only support non-constant species reference on l3v1 docs or above, currently we can’t determine if earlier version species references are constant or not.
bool isConstantASTNode(const libsbml::ASTNode *ast) const
go through the AST tree and see if any names reference non-constant document elements.
EvalVolatileStoichCodeGen(const ModelGeneratorContext &mgc)