
class pyomexmeta.SingularAnnotation(singular_annotation_ptr: ctypes.c_longlong)

Interface for handling single annotations or Triples (or rdf statements).

This is the lowest level interface exposed to users. It allows you to create arbitrary RDF triples and add them to the RDF graph.

SingularAnnotation objects are created using the Editor.new_singular_annotation() method.

All SingularAnnotation objects need to call the SingularAnnotation.about() method to set the subject portion of the triple object being created.

The predicate portion may be set with the predicate factory, invoked with the SingularAnnotation.predicate() method or directly from a full uri using SingularAnnotation.set_predicate_from_uri() method

The resource portion of the triple may be set with one of

for creating a literal, uri or blank note respectively.

From section 2.3.6 in the OmexMeta specification:

Singular annotations within COMBINE archive annotation files should be encoded as a single RDF triple. The subject of the triple is the annotated element and should be formatted as a relative URI. The predicate is the URI of a qualifier linking the subject to a URI from a knowledge resource or the Dublin Core Metadata Terms qualifier description. The object of the triple should be an URI indicating a concept in a knowledge resource, or a text string for free-text definitions of model elements.

The following is an example singular semantic annotation indicating that the model element with meta- data ID “meta0013” from the model file “MyModel.sbml” represents adenosine tri-phosphate:

The following is an example free-text description of a model variable with metadata ID “meta0014”:

__init__(singular_annotation_ptr: ctypes.c_longlong)

Constructor for a SingularAnnotation() object.

This constructor should not be used directly by users. Instead use the Editor.new_singular_annotation() method.

Methods in this class implement a builder interface, by returning a a reference to self. This allows optional chaining of methods together.


singular_annotation_ptr – A pointer to an SingularAnnotation which exist in memory


list of weak references to the object (if defined)

about(about: str)pyomexmeta.pyomexmeta.SingularAnnotation

Create a subject node with the string about


about – a metaid that exists in the model. Errors when this metaid does not exist in the model you are annotating, and presents you with available metaids.


SingularAnnotation reference to self object


clean up resources associated with this SingularAnnotation


Returns the about (subject) portion of rdf triple


Return the predicate portion of the rdf triple


returns the underlying pointer to the memory address that stores this SingularAnnotation


return the resource portion of the rdf triple

predicate(namespace: str, term: str)pyomexmeta.pyomexmeta.SingularAnnotation

This method provides a factory interface for predicate node creation.


SingularAnnotation reference to self object

predicate_from_uri(uri: str)pyomexmeta.pyomexmeta.SingularAnnotation

Create a uri resource node


uri – A uri string to use for resource


SingularAnnotation reference to self object

resource_blank(blank_id: str)pyomexmeta.pyomexmeta.SingularAnnotation

Create a blank resource node


blank_id – A string to use for label of blank resource node


SingularAnnotation reference to self object

resource_literal(literal: str)pyomexmeta.pyomexmeta.SingularAnnotation

Create a literal resource


literal – string to use for literal resource node


SingularAnnotation reference to self object

resource_uri(uri: str)pyomexmeta.pyomexmeta.SingularAnnotation

Create a uri resource node


uri – A uri to use for uri node


SingularAnnotation reference to self object

set_predicate_from_uri(uri: str)pyomexmeta.pyomexmeta.SingularAnnotation

Create a predicate node from an arbitrary uri

Deprecated, use SingularAnnotation.predicate_from_uri() instead


uri – A uri to use for predicate


SingularAnnotation reference to self object

set_resource_blank(blank_id: str)pyomexmeta.pyomexmeta.SingularAnnotation

Create a blank resource node

Deprecated, use SingularAnnotation.resource_blank() instead


blank_id – The string to use for the blank node


SingularAnnotation reference to self object

set_resource_literal(literal: str)pyomexmeta.pyomexmeta.SingularAnnotation

Create a literal resource node

Deprecated, use SingularAnnotation.resource_literal() instead


literal – The string to use for the literal node


SingularAnnotation reference to self object

set_resource_uri(uri: str)pyomexmeta.pyomexmeta.SingularAnnotation

Create a uri resource node

Deprecated, use SingularAnnotation.resource_uri() instead


uri – The string to use for the uri


SingularAnnotation reference to self object