class pyomexmeta.RDF(storage_type: str = 'memory', storage_name: str = 'libOmexMetaStore', storage_options: Optional[str] = None, model_options: Optional[str] = None, rdf_ptr: Optional[ctypes.c_longlong] = None)

deletes the RDF instance

__eq__(other: pyomexmeta.pyomexmeta.RDF)

Equality operator for RDF

__init__(storage_type: str = 'memory', storage_name: str = 'libOmexMetaStore', storage_options: Optional[str] = None, model_options: Optional[str] = None, rdf_ptr: Optional[ctypes.c_longlong] = None)

Create an RDF empty graph.

This is a central object in libOmexMeta and pyomexmeta from which all annotations are created, stored, read, written and queried. Arguments to RDF are passed on to the redland libraries and affect how the RDF graph is stored. The default is to store the RDF graph in memory.

  • storage_type – memory (default), hashes, file, uri or sqlite. See https://librdf.org/docs/api/redland-storage-modules.html

  • storage_name – An arbitrary name for your storage. Not important when storage_type is memory but will be the name of a file or database if storage_type is on disk

  • storage_options – Options forwarded onto the redland libraries backend. Unfortunately, the redland library docs are not brilliant at describing these options and so neither are we. Please see https://librdf.org/docs/api/redland-storage.html

  • model_options – Options that are forwarded onto the redland libraries librdf_model* object. Similar to storage_options these are not described in great detail in the redland lib docs. Please see https://librdf.org/docs/api/redland-model.html#librdf-new-model

  • rdf_ptr – A pointer (or memory address), stored as ctypes c_int64, that points to a preexisting instance of an RDF in memory. todo consider whether to remove this option in favour of using only RDF._set_rdf_ptr.


Returns the number of individual Triples stored in the rdf model

__ne__(other: pyomexmeta.pyomexmeta.RDF)

Inequality operator for RDF


Defaults to rdfxml-abbrev syntax


list of weak references to the object (if defined)

add_from_file(filename: str, syntax: str)None

Add to this existing RDF class from RDF serialized as syntax in filename

  • filename – Location of the file on disk containing RDF to add to existing RDF graph

  • syntax – The syntax used by filename for storing RDF.

Returns: None


>>> rdf = RDF.from_file("annot.rdf") # read from file on disk into new RDF graph
>>> rdf.add_from_file("another_annot.rdf") # add to the existing rdf graph
add_from_string(rdf_string: str, syntax: str = 'guess')None

Add annotations to the existing RDF graph (self) from rdf_string

  • rdf_string – The string containing the annotations that you want to add to the current RDF graph

  • syntax – The syntax used by rdf_string (default=`guess`). Other options are rdfxml, ntriples, turtle, nquads, guess.

Returns: None


>>> rdf = RDF()
>>> rdf.add_from_string("insert rdf string here")
add_from_uri(uri_string: str, syntax: str = 'guess')None

Add RDF from a uri to an existing RDF graph

  • uri_string – The uri from which to download rdf from

  • syntax – The syntax of the rdf content pointed to by uri_string

Returns: None


destructor. Delete the dynamically allocated rdf object

draw(filename: str, **kwargs)

render an graph of RDF and save to filename

  • filename – where to write. The extension determines the format. See

  • https – //graphviz.readthedocs.io/en/stable/index.html for more

  • about accepted formats. (details) –


static equals_rdf_vs_rdf(first_rdf: pyomexmeta.pyomexmeta.RDF, second_rdf: pyomexmeta.pyomexmeta.RDF, syntax: str = 'turtle', verbose: bool = False)bool

Equality operator for comparing RDF objects.

This is the “default” equality operator used by RDF.__eq__(). first_rdf and second_rdf are considered equal if all triples contained in each are identical. The only exception is regarding blank nodes, which are considered equal even if their label is different. For developers: this condition for blank nodes was necessary, because they are usually automatically assigned random labels when reading from an rdf graph.

This method is static - it does not require an instance of RDF to use. See Examples.

  • first_rdf – Left operand to equality operator

  • second_rdf – Right operand to equality operator

  • syntax – When verbose is True, use this syntax for displaying the two different gaphs

  • verbose – When True, output both left and right operands as a string to console encoded as syntax

Returns: bool

static equals_rdf_vs_string(rdf: pyomexmeta.pyomexmeta.RDF, string: str, syntax: str = 'turtle', verbose: bool = False)bool

Equality operator comparing an RDF graph (left operand) to a serialized RDF graph encoded in syntax

This method is the same as equals_rdf_vs_rdf() excapt that the second argument string is not an instance of RDF but a str.

  • rdf – The RDF object to compare with string. Left operand.

  • string – An rdf graph encoded in syntax to compare with rdf. Right operand.

  • syntax – Syntax for right operand, string. This syntax is also used for displaying left and right operands to console when verbose is True

  • verbose – Display left and right operands using syntax for inspection.

Returns: bool

static equals_string_vs_string(first_string: str, second_string: str, first_syntax: str = 'turtle', second_syntax: str = 'turtle', verbose: bool = False)bool

Equality operator comparing two rdf graphs both of which are serialized to strings.

This method is the same as equals_rdf_vs_rdf() except that both left and right operands are strings, encoded in first_syntax and second_syntax respectively.

  • first_string – The rdf graph for the left operand, encoded in first_syntax

  • second_string – The rdf graph for the right operand, encoded in second_syntax

  • first_syntax – The syntax used by first_string

  • second_syntax – The syntax used by second_string

  • verbose – When True, print out rdf graphs encoded by first_string and second_string to console using first_syntax and second_syntax respectively.

Returns: bool

static from_file(filename: str, syntax: str = 'guess', storage_type: str = 'hashes', storage_name: str = 'pyomexmeta_storage', storage_options: Optional[str] = None, model_options: Optional[str] = None)pyomexmeta.pyomexmeta.RDF

Create an RDF graph from a file on disk.

This is a static method and is therefore called without an instance of RDF (see example)




>>> rdf = RDF.from_file("/path/to/rdf_file.rdf", "turtle")
static from_string(rdf_string: str, syntax: str = 'guess', storage_type: str = 'hashes', storage_name: str = 'pyomexmeta_storage', storage_options: Optional[str] = None, model_options: Optional[str] = None)pyomexmeta.pyomexmeta.RDF

Read RDF from a string and create an RDF object with it.

This is a static method, i.e. it should be used without an instantiated instance of RDF.

  • rdf_string – The rdf string to parse. It can be in any supported syntax.

  • syntaxguess is default which will try to make an educated guess as to what syntax is contained in rdf_string. However, sometimes the syntax cannot be identified and this will need to be specified manually. Other options are rdfxml, ntriples, turtle, nquads, guess. Note: the easiest way to get a list of available syntax options is to run your program with deliberately the wrong syntax argument

  • storage_type – See RDF.__init__()

  • storage_name – See RDF.__init__()

  • storage_options – See RDF.__init__()

  • model_options – See RDF.__init__()

Returns: An RDF object that contains the RDF graph described by rdf_string.


>>> rdf_string = "RDF string encoded in turtle syntax"
>>> rdf = RDF.from_string(rdf_string, "turtle")
static from_uri(uri_string: str, syntax: str = 'guess', storage_type: str = 'hashes', storage_name: str = 'pyomexmeta_storage', storage_options: Optional[str] = None, model_options: Optional[str] = None)pyomexmeta.pyomexmeta.RDF

Create an RDF object from content in a URI.

This is a static method i.e. called without an instance of RDF.


Returns: RDF


>>> rdf = RDF.from_uri("http://myrdfgraph.org/rdfspecial")

Returns the string used for archive (i.e. omex) uri


Returns the string used for local uri.

This is set indirectly through the model_uri


Returns the uri that is used for model level annotations as a string

This string is the “model_uri” concatonated with the metaid for the “model” element.

Returns: (str) the uri


>>> rdf = RDF.from_file("annot.rdf")
>>> rdf.get_model_metaid()
>>> rdf.get_model_level_annotation_uri()
>>> rdf.set_model_metaid("ModelMetaid")
>>> rdf.get_model_metaid()
>>> rdf.get_model_level_annotation_uri()

return the current string being used for the model elements metaid.

This defaults to the string “NewModel” but is replaced with the metaid for the first “model” element it finds when an XML is opened in the Editor().


>>> rdf = RDF.from_file("annot.rdf")
>>> rdf.get_model_metaid()
>>> rdf.get_model_level_annotation_uri()
>>> rdf.set_model_metaid("ModelMetaid")
>>> rdf.get_model_metaid()
>>> rdf.get_model_level_annotation_uri()

Returns: str


Returns the string used for model uri.

This string also gets used for local uri


Returns the string used for repository uri

query_results_as_dict(query_str: str)dict

Query the RDF using sparql

Returns the results as a dict[variable_name] = list(results)


query_str – (str) A SPAQRL query

Returns: dict


>>> rdf = RDF.from_file("annot.rdf") # read from file on disk
>>> rdf.query_results_as_dict("SELECT *?x ?y ?z WHERE { ?x ?y ?z }") # selects everything

See also


query_results_as_string(query_str: str, results_syntax: str)str

Query the RDF using sparql.

Returns the results as a string in the specified format.

  • query_str – (str) A SPAQRL query

  • results_syntax – What syntax to use for the results? Options are: xml, json, table, csv, mkr, tsv, html, turtle, rdfxml If incorrect string given, options are presented to user.

Returns: string. Results


>>> rdf = RDF.from_file("annot.rdf") # read from file on disk
>>> rdf.query_results_as_string("SELECT *?x ?y ?z WHERE { ?x ?y ?z }", results_syntax="csv") # selects everything

See also


set_archive_uri(archive_url: str)None

Set the “archive” portion of model and local uri’s.


archive_url – (str) default is “NewOmex.omex”. String to use for replacement.

Returns: None


>>> rdf = RDF.from_file("annot.rdf")
>>> rdf.set_repository_uri("https://Repositorious.org")
>>> rdf.set_archive_uri("Arch.omex")
>>> rdf.set_model_uri("SignallingNetwork.sbml")
>>> rdf.get_model_uri()
>>> rdf.get_local_uri()
set_model_metaid(model_metaid: str)None

Set the string to use for the model level annotation uri.

Model level annotations should be placed on the model element that has a metaid. This method provides a way of changing which model element is annotated, in case there is more than one. The default is “NewModel” which gets changed to the name of the metaid of the first model element that is found, once an xml is loaded into the Editor class.


model_metaid – (str) a new name for a model metaid. It is the users responsibility to ensure this name is accurate.


>>> rdf = RDF.from_file("annot.rdf")
>>> rdf.get_model_metaid()
>>> rdf.get_model_level_annotation_uri()
>>> rdf.set_model_metaid("ModelMetaid")
>>> rdf.get_model_metaid()
>>> rdf.get_model_level_annotation_uri()

Returns: None

set_model_uri(model_uri: str)None

Sets the string used for model filename.

This string is also used for the local portion of the local uri.


model_uri – (str) default is NewModel.xml. String to use for model uri.

Returns: None


>>> rdf = RDF.from_file("annot.rdf")
>>> rdf.set_repository_uri("https://Repositorious.org")
>>> rdf.set_archive_uri("Arch.omex")
>>> rdf.set_model_uri("SignallingNetwork.sbml")
>>> rdf.get_model_uri()
>>> rdf.get_local_uri()
set_repository_uri(repository_uri: str)None

Set the respository uri.

This is used to construct the local and model uri’s.


repository_uri – (str) uri to use for replacing the default respository uri (http://omex-library.org/)


>>> rdf = RDF.from_file("annot.rdf")
>>> rdf.set_repository_uri("https://Repositorious.org")
>>> rdf.set_archive_uri("Arch.omex")
>>> rdf.set_model_uri("SignallingNetwork.sbml")
>>> rdf.get_model_uri()
>>> rdf.get_local_uri()
to_editor(xml: str, generate_new_metaids: bool = False, sbml_semantic_extraction: bool = True)pyomexmeta.pyomexmeta.Editor

Create an Editor object which is the interface for creating and removing annotations associated with a given xml.

  • xml – The xml string for annotation (creating/deleting/amending)

  • generate_new_metaids – (bool) When True, if metaids are not available on xml elements, this flag automatically creates them

  • sbml_semantic_extraction – When xml is an sbml string, this flag determines whether to automatically extract semantic information from the sbml. Does nothing if xml is not sbml.

Returns: Editor


>>> rdf = RDF()
>>> editor = rdf.to_editor("<insert sbml string here>", True, True)
>>> editor.add_description("Insulin signalling network")

See also


to_file(filename: str, syntax: str)None

Serialize the annotations contained in this RDF() graph to a file on disk

  • filename – A valid location on disk. Location for storing RDF graph.

  • syntax – Which syntax to use for serialization of RDF graph

Returns: None

to_string(syntax: str = 'turtle')str

Serialize this :class”:RDF graph using syntax syntax.

This method is used by RDF.__str__() for printing an RDF graph as default “turtle” syntax



The syntax to use for serializing content contained in this RDF graph.

Options are ntriples, turtle, rdfxml-abbrev, rdfxml, dot, json-triples, json, nquads, html


(str) serialized RDF graph as string.


>>> rdf = RDF.from_file("annot.rdf", "rdfxml")
>>> rdf.to_string("turtle")

See also
