
class pyomexmeta.PersonalInformation(personal_information_ptr: ctypes.c_longlong)

Interface for creating a PersonalInformation set of triples

__init__(personal_information_ptr: ctypes.c_longlong)

Constructor for PersonalInformation.

This constructor is not designed to be used directly by users. Instead users should create a PersonalInformation directly from the an instance of Editor.


personal_information_ptr – A ctypes int64 integer representing the memory address (pointer) of this PersonalInformation.


list of weak references to the object (if defined)

add_account_name(value: str)pyomexmeta.pyomexmeta.PersonalInformation

Add a account name to this PersonalInformation

add_account_service_homepage(value: str)pyomexmeta.pyomexmeta.PersonalInformation

Add a webpage to this PersonalInformation

add_creator(value: str)pyomexmeta.pyomexmeta.PersonalInformation

Add a creator to this PersonalInformation

add_foaf_blank(value: str)pyomexmeta.pyomexmeta.PersonalInformation

Add a blank resource node with a foaf predicate

add_foaf_literal(value: str)pyomexmeta.pyomexmeta.PersonalInformation

Add a literal resource node with a foaf predicate

add_foaf_uri(value: str)pyomexmeta.pyomexmeta.PersonalInformation

Add a uri resource node with a foaf predicate

add_mbox(value: str)pyomexmeta.pyomexmeta.PersonalInformation

Add a email to this PersonalInformation

add_name(value: str)pyomexmeta.pyomexmeta.PersonalInformation

Add a name to this PersonalInformation


Clean up resources associated with this object


Deprecated. Get uri’s only from the RDF or Editor classes


Get the metaid to which this class:PersonalInformation associates


Deprecated. Use Editor or RDF for accesing Uris


Returns the memory address that points to this PhysicalProcess

set_metaid(metaid: str)None

Set the metaid to which this class:PersonalInformation associates