libOmexMeta documentation!

LibOMEXmeta is a library aimed at providing developer-level support for reading, writing, editing and managing semantic annotations for biosimulation models. The COMBINE modeling community has developed consensus around how best to annotate models and how to package these models into archives (OMEX files) that include the modeling source code, the annotations, files that describe parameters and settings needed for simulations (in a SEDML file), and potentially the data used for these modeling efforts. This consensus was initially described in the publication “Harmonizing semantic annotations for computational models in biology” (Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2018).

The goal of semantic annotations are to make explicit the biology that underlies the semantics of biosimulation models. By using standard knowledge resources about biology and biological processes (such as CheBI, Uniprot, and ontologies of anatomy), we can make the models more understandable, reusable and reproducible. More information can be found at the OMEX Metadata Specification web page.

LibOmexMeta is a C++ library with a C interface that is used to build a Python front end (pyomexmeta). libOmexMeta uses RDF as a framework for representing these annotations. At the core of libOmexMeta are the Redland libraries:

  • raptor2 for parsing RDF syntax into RDF graphs and serializing the output

  • rasqal for querying RDF graphs

  • librdf as a front end to raptor2 and rasqal and for triple stores.



  • rdfxml, ntriples, turtle, guess, rdfa, nquads


  • ntriples, turtle, rdfxml-xmp, rdfxml-abbrev, rdfxml, dot, json-triples, json, nquads, html


  • Languages * SPARQL

  • Query result formats: * xml, json, table, csv, mkr, tsv, html, turtle, rdfxml,

Storages modules

  • hashes, memory, file, sqlite, uri, tstore (may be supported on request), postgresql (may be uspported on request), virtuoso (may be supported on request)


  • Windows

  • Linux Ubuntu 18.04 / 20.04, untested on other flavours.

  • MacOS


You can get a docker image using

$ docker pull ciaranwelsh/libomexmeta:v1.1.0

This is an Ubuntu 18.04 based container that has libOmexMeta prebuilt and installed under /libOmexMeta/install-docker. See dockerfile for full set of commands to build libOmexMeta on ubuntu. Conda is preconfigured and pyomexmeta is installed.

Downloading Binaries

You can download binaries from the releases tab

Indices and tables