Annotating Models

Annotating a biological complex

A biological complex is a functional unit composed of multiple parts. To annotate that you are modelling a complex you can neglect the identity and instead use an arbitrary number of hasPart predicates. In this example we model the binding of Sos, Grb2 and Shc.


You can create this model using the following tellurium code:

import tellurium as te

r = te.loada("""
    model ComplexBinding
       compartment cytoplasm = 1;

       Shc in cytoplasm;
       Sos in cytoplasm;
       Grb2 in cytoplasm;
       Shc = 1;
       Sos = 1;
       Grb2 = 1;
       Shc_Sos_Grb2 = 0;
       k_bind = 0.1;
       k_unbind = 0.1;
       Binding: Shc + Sos + Grb2 => Shc_Sos_Grb2; cytoplasm*k_bind*Shc*Sos*Grb2;
       Unbinding: Shc_Sos_Grb2 => Shc + Sos + Grb2; cytoplasm*k_unbind*Shc_Sos_Grb2;
sbml = r.getSBML()
Annotating a biological complex in Python
from pyomexmeta import RDF, eUriType
import os

sbml = """<?xml version="1.1" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<sbml xmlns="" level="3" version="1">
  <model metaid="ComplexBinding" id="ComplexBinding">
      <compartment id="cytoplasm" spatialDimensions="3" size="1" constant="true"/>
      <species id="Shc"  metaid="Shc" compartment="cytoplasm" initialConcentration="1" hasOnlySubstanceUnits="false" boundaryCondition="false" constant="false"/>
      <species id="Sos"  metaid="Sos" compartment="cytoplasm" initialConcentration="1" hasOnlySubstanceUnits="false" boundaryCondition="false" constant="false"/>
      <species id="Grb2" metaid="Grb2" compartment="cytoplasm" initialConcentration="1" hasOnlySubstanceUnits="false" boundaryCondition="false" constant="false"/>
      <species id="Shc_Sos_Grb2" metaid="Shc_Sos_Grb2" compartment="cytoplasm" initialConcentration="0" hasOnlySubstanceUnits="false" boundaryCondition="false" constant="false"/>
      <parameter id="k_bind" metaid="k_bind" value="0.1" constant="true"/>
      <parameter id="k_unbind" metaid="k_unbind" value="0.1" constant="true"/>
      <reaction id="Binding" metaid="Binding" reversible="false" fast="false">
          <speciesReference species="Shc" stoichiometry="1" constant="true"/>
          <speciesReference species="Sos" stoichiometry="1" constant="true"/>
          <speciesReference species="Grb2" stoichiometry="1" constant="true"/>
          <speciesReference species="Shc_Sos_Grb2" stoichiometry="1" constant="true"/>
          <math xmlns="">
              <ci> cytoplasm </ci>
              <ci> k_bind </ci>
              <ci> Shc </ci>
              <ci> Sos </ci>
              <ci> Grb2 </ci>
      <reaction id="Unbinding" metaid="Unbinding" reversible="false" fast="false">
          <speciesReference species="Shc_Sos_Grb2" stoichiometry="1" constant="true"/>
          <speciesReference species="Shc" stoichiometry="1" constant="true"/>
          <speciesReference species="Sos" stoichiometry="1" constant="true"/>
          <speciesReference species="Grb2" stoichiometry="1" constant="true"/>
          <math xmlns="">
              <ci> cytoplasm </ci>
              <ci> k_unbind </ci>
              <ci> Shc_Sos_Grb2 </ci>
# create an empty RDF object
rdf = RDF()

editor = rdf.to_editor(sbml, generate_new_metaids=True, sbml_semantic_extraction=False)

# Remember that in Python, the with block takes care of adding the annotation to our RDF graph
# so that its not possible to forget.
# Annotate the Shc entity
with editor.new_physical_entity() as Shc:
    Shc \
        .about("Shc", eUriType.MODEL_URI) \
        .has_property("OPB:OPB_00340") \

    # We could optionally annot
    # ate where we are modelling Shc, for instance nucleus, cytoplasm, skin, bone, etc. Here
    # we do not need to since we are only modelling reactions in the cytoplasm.

# Annotate the Sos entity
with editor.new_physical_entity() as Sos:
    Sos \
        .about("Sos", eUriType.MODEL_URI) \
        .has_property("OPB:OPB_00340") \

# Annotate the Grb2 entity
with editor.new_physical_entity() as Grb2:
    Grb2 \
        .about("Grb2", eUriType.MODEL_URI) \
        .has_property("OPB:OPB_00340") \

# Annotate the shc_sos_grb2 entity
with editor.new_physical_entity() as shc_sos_grb2:
    shc_sos_grb2 \
        .about("Shc_Sos_Grb2", eUriType.MODEL_URI) \
        .has_property("OPB:OPB_00340") \
        .has_part("uniprot/P29353") \
        .has_part("uniprot/Q07889") \

# annotate the binding reaction
with editor.new_physical_process() as binding_reaction:
    binding_reaction.about("Binding", eUriType.MODEL_URI) \
            .has_property("OPB:OPB_00340") \
            .add_source("Shc", eUriType.MODEL_URI, 1.0) \
            .add_source("Grb2", eUriType.MODEL_URI, 1.0) \
            .add_source("Sos", eUriType.MODEL_URI, 1.0) \
            .add_sink("Shc_Sos_Grb2", eUriType.MODEL_URI, 1.0)

# annotate the unbinding reaction
with editor.new_physical_process() as unbinding_reaction:
    unbinding_reaction.about("Unbinding", eUriType.MODEL_URI) \
            .has_property("OPB:OPB_00340") \
            .add_source("Shc_Sos_Grb2", eUriType.MODEL_URI, 1.0) \
            .add_sink("Shc", eUriType.MODEL_URI, 1.0) \
            .add_sink("Grb2", eUriType.MODEL_URI, 1.0) \
            .add_sink("Sos", eUriType.MODEL_URI, 1.0)


[16:33:33 +01:00]  warning : XML parser warning: Unsupported version '1.1' 
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix bqbiol: <> .
@prefix semsim: <> .
@prefix OMEXlib: <> .
@prefix local: <> .

    bqbiol:isPropertyOf <> ;
    bqbiol:isVersionOf <> .

    bqbiol:isPropertyOf <> ;
    bqbiol:isVersionOf <> .

    bqbiol:isPropertyOf <> ;
    bqbiol:isVersionOf <> .

    bqbiol:isPropertyOf <> ;
    bqbiol:isVersionOf <> .

    bqbiol:isPropertyOf <> ;
    bqbiol:isVersionOf <> .

    bqbiol:isPropertyOf <> ;
    bqbiol:isVersionOf <> .

    semsim:hasMultiplier "1"^^rdf:double ;
    semsim:hasPhysicalEntityReference <> .

    semsim:hasMultiplier "1"^^rdf:double ;
    semsim:hasPhysicalEntityReference <> .

    semsim:hasMultiplier "1"^^rdf:double ;
    semsim:hasPhysicalEntityReference <> .

    semsim:hasMultiplier "1"^^rdf:double ;
    semsim:hasPhysicalEntityReference <> .

    semsim:hasMultiplier "1"^^rdf:double ;
    semsim:hasPhysicalEntityReference <> .

    semsim:hasMultiplier "1"^^rdf:double ;
    semsim:hasPhysicalEntityReference <> .

    semsim:hasMultiplier "1"^^rdf:double ;
    semsim:hasPhysicalEntityReference <> .

    semsim:hasMultiplier "1"^^rdf:double ;
    semsim:hasPhysicalEntityReference <> .

    semsim:hasSinkParticipant local:SinkParticipant0000 ;
    semsim:hasSourceParticipant local:SourceParticipant0000, local:SourceParticipant0001, local:SourceParticipant0002 .

    bqbiol:is <> .

    bqbiol:is <> .

    bqbiol:hasPart <>, <>, <> .

    bqbiol:is <> .

    semsim:hasSinkParticipant local:SinkParticipant0001, local:SinkParticipant0002, local:SinkParticipant0003 ;
    semsim:hasSourceParticipant local:SourceParticipant0003 .