class omexmeta::RDF : public omexmeta::IRDF

Public Functions

explicit RDF(const std::string &storage_type = "memory", const std::string &storage_name = "OmexMetaStore", const char *storage_options = nullptr, const char *model_options = nullptr)

constructor for RDF class

  • storage_type. – Defaults to memory. Other options include: “hashes”, “file”, “mysql”, “postgresql”, “sqlite”, “uri”,

  • storage_name – name used for storage. When storage is not internally held in memory, this becomes the name of the file or database.

  • storage_options – options that get passed on to storage. Please study http://librdf.org/docs/api/redland-storage-modules.html for more information. @model_options options that get passed to the model. Please see http://librdf.org/docs/api/index.html for more details.

~RDF() = default

destructor for RDF

RDF(const RDF &rdf) = delete

copy constructor for RDF class

RDF instances are not copyable due to restrictions within the redland libraries. You must instead move RDF objects.

RDF(RDF &&rdf) noexcept

move constructor for RDF class

RDF &operator=(const RDF &rdf) = delete

copy assignment constructor for RDF ojects

Copy assignment functionality is prohibited for RDF objects. Use move semantics insead.

RDF &operator=(RDF &&rdf) noexcept

move assignment operator for RDF

virtual int size() const override

returns the number of triples currently present in the RDF graph.

virtual bool empty() const override

indicator for whether the RDF graph is empty


true if RDF graph has no triples, false otherwise.

virtual void addFromString(const std::string &str, const std::string &syntax = "guess") override

non-static variant of RDF::fromString(). Reads rdf into an RDF instance. See RDF::fromString() for argument requirements.

virtual void addFromUri(const std::string &uri_string, const std::string &syntax = "guess") override

non-static counterpart of RDF::fromUri. Downloads and parses rdf from a URI.

See RDF::fromUri for details.

virtual void addFromFile(const std::string &filename, const std::string &syntax) override

non-static counter part of RDF::fromFile. Reads rdf from annotations in a file

Uses LibrdfParser::fromFile under the hood

  • filename – the filename to read as string

  • syntax – the syntax of the RDF in filename


an instantiated RDF object

virtual std::string toString(const std::string &syntax = "turtle", const char *mime_type = nullptr, const char *type_uri = nullptr) override

serialize RDF graph to string


syntax – the expected output syntax. Options include: “ntriples”, “turtle”, “rdfxml-xmp”, “rdfxml-abbrev”, “rdfxml”, “dot”, “json-triples”, “json”, “nquads”, “html”.

virtual void toFile(const std::string &filename, const std::string &syntax = "turtle", const char *mime_type = nullptr, const char *type_uri = nullptr) override

Write annotations to file.

  • syntax – the expected output syntax. Options include: “ntriples”, “turtle”, “rdfxml-xmp”, “rdfxml-abbrev”, “rdfxml”, “dot”, “json-triples”, “json”, “nquads”, “html”.

  • filename – full path of file to write

  • mime_type – optional valid mime

  • type_uri – optional type uri

virtual Editor toEditor(const std::string &xml, bool generate_new_metaids = false, bool sbml_semantic_extraction = true) override

instantiate an Editor object.

  • xml – the xml you want to open for editing. This can be any type of xml document, but SBML and CellML are most common.

  • generate_new_metaids – When true, will add metaids onto a copy of the xml source code for annotation. Default = false.

  • OmexMetaXmlType – an indicator enum specifying whether the xml is sbml, cellml or unknown. Default is “OMEXMETA_TYPE_NOTSET”

virtual Editor *toEditorPtr(const std::string &xml, bool generate_new_metaids = false, bool sbml_semantic_extraction = true) override

instantiate an Editor object and return a new pointer to it. Memory returned is owned by the caller and needs deleting.

  • xml – the xml you want to open for editing. This can be any type of xml document, but SBML and CellML are most common.

  • generate_new_metaids – When true, will add metaids onto a copy of the xml source code for annotation. Default = false.

  • OmexMetaXmlType – an indicator enum specifying whether the xml is sbml, cellml or unknown. Default is “OMEXMETA_TYPE_NOTSET”

virtual LibrdfModel getModel() const override
virtual LibrdfStorage getStorage() const override
virtual int commitTransaction() const override
virtual int startTransaction() const override
virtual void *getTransactionHandle() const override
virtual int startTransactionWithHandle(void *handle) const override
virtual int getTransactionRollback() const override
virtual std::string queryResultsAsString(const std::string &query_str, const std::string &results_syntax) override
virtual ResultsMap queryResultsAsMap(const std::string &query_str) override
virtual std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> propagateNamespacesFromParser(const std::vector<std::string> &seen_namespaces) override

compared namespaces seen with namespaces known and ensures models that use a known namespace use that namespace.


seen_namespaces – a vector of strings of namespaces the parser has seen before.

virtual OmexMetaXmlType getXmlType() const override

getter for xmlType attribue.

when the rdf graph is sbml, it will return OMEXMETA_TYPE_SBML. When cellML it will return OMEXMETA_TYPE_CELLML. Otherwise it is OMEXMETA_TYPE_UNKNOWN.

bool operator==(const RDF &rhs) const
bool operator!=(const RDF &rhs) const
virtual void setXmlType(OmexMetaXmlType xmlType) override

set the xml type for the current graph.

If you have been reading from an SBML you cannot then read from another syntax (such as cellml).

virtual const std::string &getRepositoryUri() const override

getter for repository uri which defaults to “http://omex-library.org/”

virtual void setRepositoryUri(const std::string &repositoryName) override

setter for the repository uri which defaults to “http://omex-library.org/”.


repositoryName – the repository uri.

virtual const std::string &getArchiveUri() const override

getter for archiveUri attribute.

default to http://omex-library.org/NewOmex.omex/

virtual void setArchiveUri(const std::string &archiveName) override

setter for archiveUri attribute.

default to http://omex-library.org/NewOmex.omex/


archiveName – the new name for archive uri attribute

virtual const std::string &getModelUri() const override

getter for model uri.

defaults to http://omex-library.org/NewOmex.omex/NewModel.xml

virtual void setModelUri(std::string modelName) override

setter for model uri.

defaults to http://omex-library.org/NewOmex.omex/NewModel.xml


modelName – string for new model uri.

virtual const std::string &getModelMetaid() override

gets the uri fragment used for model level annotations. This must be a valid metaid in your model and should be attached to a “model” element

virtual void setModelMetaid(const std::string &modelMetaid) override

sets the uri fragment used for model level annotations. This must be a valid metaid in your model and should be attached to a “model” element

virtual std::string getModelLevelAnnotationUri() override

get the full uri for model level annotations.

the modelUri concatonated with the model metaid fragment

virtual const std::string &getLocalUri() const override

getter for local uri attribute.

defaults to http://omex-library.org/NewOmex.omex/NewModel.rdf#

virtual void addTriple(const Triple &triple) override

add a Triple to the current model

virtual void addTriples(Triples &triples) override

add a set of Triples to the current model

virtual UriHandler &getUriHandler() override
void purgeRDFBag()

remove rdf:Bag constructs from the current rdf graph

void translateVcard()

Translate VCARD into foaf

Public Members

NamespaceMap namespaces_

Storage for namespaces and prefixes

std::vector<std::string> seen_namespaces_

Part of the mechanism that propogates namespaces through to serializer.

todo observer pattern might make for more elegant design.

const std::string OMEXlib_ = "http://OMEXlibrary.org/"

Default repository uri

Public Static Functions

static RDF fromString(const std::string &str, const std::string &syntax = "guess")

instantiate an RDF instance and read annotations from a string. This is a static method.

  • str – a reference to the string containing annotations

  • syntax – which syntax str is in. Default=”guess” : try to guess.

static RDF fromUri(const std::string &uri_string, const std::string &syntax = "guess")

parse RDF directly from a uri

downloads uri from the internet and creates an RDF graph. See Librdf::parseUri() for more details.

  • uri_string – the uri to download containing RDF

  • syntax – the syntax that the RDF is in


RDF an instantiated RDF object.

static RDF fromFile(const std::string &filename, const std::string &syntax)

read rdf from annotations in a file

Uses LibrdfParser::fromFile under the hood

  • filename – the filename to read as string

  • syntax – the syntax of the RDF in filename


an instantiated RDF object

static std::ostringstream listOptions()
static bool equals(RDF *actual, const std::string &expected, const std::string &syntax = "turtle", bool verbose = false)

test for equality between

  • actual – and

  • expected

static bool equals(const Triple &actual, const std::string &expected, const std::string &syntax = "turtle", bool verbose = false)

test for equality between

  • actual – and

  • expected

static bool equals(Triples &actual, const std::string &expected, const std::string &syntax = "turtle", bool verbose = false)

test for equality between

  • actual – and

  • expected

static bool equals(RDF *actual, RDF *expected, const std::string &syntax = "turtle", bool verbose = false)

test for equality between

  • actual – and

  • expected

static bool equals(const std::string &first, const std::string &second, const std::string &first_syntax = "turtle", const std::string &second_syntax = "turtle", bool verbose = false)

test for equality between

  • first – and

  • second

Private Functions

void classifyXmlType(const std::string &xml, const std::string &input_syntax)

autoset the xmlType variable based on xml content.

void classifyXmlTypeFromFile(const std::string &xml_file, const std::string &input_syntax)

reads xml from file before calling classifyXmlType

void extractSemanticInformationFromSBML(const std::string &sbml)

pull semantic information out of the sbml int the RDF graph

void freeRDF()

release memory consumed by RDF.

Memory consumed by RDF is destructed using RAII so users normally do not need this function.

void setLogHandlers()

set custom handler functions for librdf, raptor and rasqal

Private Members

LibrdfStorage storage_
LibrdfModel model_
OmexMetaXmlType xmlType = OMEXMETA_TYPE_NOTSET
UriHandler uriHandler_