
class omexmeta::OmexMetaUtils

Public Functions

OmexMetaUtils() = default

Public Static Functions

static bool exists(const std::string &filename)

return true when filename is a file that exists on system



static int removeFile(const std::string &filename)

remove file called

  • filename

  • filename – to remove


int 0 when successful.

static void removeIfExists(const std::string &filename)

remove a file, checking for its existance first


filename – to remove

static void download(const std::string &url, std::string filename)

download a file from

  • url – to

  • filename

    wrapper around the CurlGet function, as the utils
    class seems like a good place for the download features.

static std::vector<std::string> splitStringBy(const std::string &str, char delimiter)

split a string into a vector of strings by



static std::string generateUniqueMetaid(LibrdfModel &model, const std::string &metaid_base, const std::vector<std::string> &exclusions)

utility for generating unique metaids given an xml document

model a librdf_model* pointer

a string that will be used for the ID. There will be 4 digits, though this can be changed.

exclusions. Mostly needed internally for dealing with metaids that already exist.

static std::string prepareBaseUri(std::string str, bool absolute_path = false)

process a string intended to be a base uri.

Base uri’s are important in redland libraries. If they do not begin with http or https, sparql querying will break down. This is a helper function to ensure the base uri is properly formatted.

  • str – The string that will become a base uri

  • absolute_path – automatically make str an absolute path to the current working directory.

static std::string getNamespaceFromUri(const std::string &uri)

takes a uri as std::string and returns the string with the last section removed;

Example: will turn into

static bool isFormattedUri(std::string uri)

helper function that returns true when uri starts with either or


uri – the uri to test.

static bool endsWith(std::string const &full_string, std::string const &ending)

test to see whether a string ends with another string

  • fullString – the string to test

  • ending – the ending to test for

static bool assertRegexMatchSplitByNewLine(const std::string &expected_string, const std::string &actual_string)

test that expected_string matches actual_string when split by new lines and matched as a regex

static bool assertMatchByNewLine(const std::string &expected_string, const std::string &actual_string)
static std::vector<std::string> configurePrefixStrings(std::string repository_name, std::string omex_name, std::string model_name)

configures the “OMEXlib”, “myOMEX” and “local” prefixes @ param omex_name the name of the omex container your model is in


model_name – the name of the model your are annotating. Extension should be included or it will be given the “.xml” suffix.

static std::string concatMetaIdAndUri(std::string metaid, std::string uri)

concatonate metaid and uri strings

Sometimes a uri has a trailing “#” and somtimes a metaid has a leading “#”. This method concatonates whilst accounting for permutations of “#”

  • metaid – string. Like “#metaid” or “metaid”

  • uri – string. Like “https://omex-library/jeff2019.omex/mymodel.xml” or “https://omex-library/jeff2019.omex/mymodel.rdf”

static std::string stringReplace(std::string str, const std::string &string_to_replace, const std::string &replacement)

replace a part of a string

  • string_to_replace – from a main

  • string – with a replacement string

  • replacement

static bool startsWith(const std::string &full_string, const std::string &start)

returns true when

  • full_string – starts with the substring

  • start

static bool stringInVector(std::vector<std::string> vec, const std::string &string)

returns true when

return true if

  • string – is in

  • vec

static xmlDoc *parseXmlDocument(const std::string &xml_string)

read an xml document using libxml2.


xmlDoc*. Caller is responsible for calling xmlFreeDoc(doc).

static std::string getXmlNodeProperty(xmlNode *node, const std::string &property)
static xmlNode *getChildElementCalled(xmlNode *node, const std::string &name)
static std::vector<xmlNode*> getAllChildElements(xmlNode *node)
static bool isSubString(const std::string &full_string, const std::string &substring)
static std::string readFromFile(const std::string &file)



file – into std::string

template<class T>
static inline bool isStringEmpty(T &cls, const std::string &s)

return true when

  • s – is empty OR equal to model or local uri’s

  • T – must implement the methods getModelUri and getLocalUri