libroadrunner C API
roadRunner C wrappers 2012 More...
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
#include "rrRoadRunner.h"
#include "rrRoadRunnerOptions.h"
#include "rrExecutableModel.h"
#include "rrCompiler.h"
#include "rrLogger.h"
#include "rrException.h"
#include "rrVersionInfo.h"
#include "rrUtils.h"
#include "rrc_types.h"
#include "rrc_api.h"
#include "rrc_utilities.h"
#include "rrc_cpp_support.h"
#include "Integrator.h"
#include "SteadyStateSolver.h"
#include "Dictionary.h"
#include "rrConfig.h"
#include <ctime>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <limits.h>
Macros | |
#define | RR_MAX_PATH PATH_MAX |
macro for MAX_PATH | |
Functions | |
RRHandle rrcCallConv | rrc::createRRInstance () |
RRHandle rrcCallConv | rrc::createRRInstanceEx (const char *tempFolder, const char *compiler_cstr) |
char * | rrc::getInstallFolder () |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::setInstallFolder (const char *folder) |
char *rrcCallConv | rrc::getAPIVersion () |
char *rrcCallConv | rrc::getCPPAPIVersion (RRHandle handle) |
int rrcCallConv | rrc::getVersion () |
char *rrcCallConv | rrc::getVersionStr () |
char *rrcCallConv | rrc::getVersionEx () |
char *rrcCallConv | rrc::getRRCAPILocation () |
char *rrcCallConv | rrc::getCopyright () |
char *rrcCallConv | rrc::getInfo (RRHandle handle) |
char *rrcCallConv | rrc::getExtendedAPIInfo () |
char *rrcCallConv | rrc::getlibSBMLVersion (RRHandle handle) |
char *rrcCallConv | rrc::getCurrentSBML (RRHandle handle) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::setComputeAndAssignConservationLaws (RRHandle handle, const bool OnOrOff) |
int rrcCallConv | rrc::getComputeAndAssignConservationLaws (RRHandle handle, int *value) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::setTempFolder (RRHandle handle, const char *folder) |
char *rrcCallConv | rrc::getTempFolder (RRHandle handle) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::setCompiler (RRHandle handle, const char *fName) |
char *rrcCallConv | rrc::getCompiler (RRHandle handle) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::setCompilerLocation (RRHandle handle, const char *folder) |
char *rrcCallConv | rrc::getCompilerLocation (RRHandle handle) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::setSupportCodeFolder (RRHandle handle, const char *folder) |
char *rrcCallConv | rrc::getSupportCodeFolder (RRHandle handle) |
char *rrcCallConv | rrc::getWorkingDirectory () |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::loadSBMLFromFile (RRHandle _handle, const char *fileName) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::loadSBMLFromFileE (RRHandle _handle, const char *fileName, bool forceRecompile) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::loadSBML (RRHandle handle, const char *sbml) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::loadSBMLEx (RRHandle handle, const char *sbml, bool forceRecompile) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::saveState (RRHandle handle, const char *filename) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::loadState (RRHandle handle, const char *filename) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::loadSimulationSettings (RRHandle handle, const char *fileName) |
char *rrcCallConv | rrc::getSBML (RRHandle handle) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::isModelLoaded (RRHandle handle) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::clearModel (RRHandle handle) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::setTimeStart (RRHandle handle, const double timeStart) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::setTimeEnd (RRHandle handle, const double timeEnd) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::setNumPoints (RRHandle handle, const int nrPoints) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::getTimeStart (RRHandle handle, double *timeStart) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::getTimeEnd (RRHandle handle, double *timeEnd) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::getNumPoints (RRHandle handle, int *numPoints) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::setTimeCourseSelectionList (RRHandle handle, const char *list) |
RRStringArrayPtr rrcCallConv | rrc::getTimeCourseSelectionList (RRHandle handle) |
RRCDataPtr rrcCallConv | rrc::simulate (RRHandle handle) |
RRCDataPtr rrcCallConv | rrc::simulateEx (RRHandle handle, const double timeStart, const double timeEnd, const int numberOfPoints) |
RRCDataPtr rrcCallConv | rrc::getSimulationResult (RRHandle handle) |
RRStringArrayPtr rrcCallConv | rrc::getReactionIds (RRHandle handle) |
RRVectorPtr rrcCallConv | rrc::getRatesOfChange (RRHandle handle) |
RRStringArrayPtr rrcCallConv | rrc::getRatesOfChangeIds (RRHandle handle) |
RRDoubleMatrixPtr rrcCallConv | rrc::getUnscaledElasticityMatrix (RRHandle handle) |
RRDoubleMatrixPtr rrcCallConv | rrc::getScaledElasticityMatrix (RRHandle handle) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::getValue (RRHandle handle, const char *symbolId, double *value) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::setValue (RRHandle handle, const char *symbolId, const double value) |
double rrcCallConv | rrc::_getTime (RRHandle handle) |
int rrcCallConv | rrc::_getNumIndFloatingSpecies (RRHandle handle) |
int rrcCallConv | rrc::_getStateVector (RRHandle handle) |
void rrcCallConv | rrc::_getStateVectorRate (RRHandle handle, double time, double *value) |
int rrcCallConv | rrc::_getNumRateRules (RRHandle handle) |
RRDoubleMatrixPtr rrcCallConv | rrc::getStoichiometryMatrix (RRHandle handle) |
RRDoubleMatrixPtr rrcCallConv | rrc::getConservationMatrix (RRHandle handle) |
RRDoubleMatrixPtr rrcCallConv | rrc::getLinkMatrix (RRHandle handle) |
RRDoubleMatrixPtr rrcCallConv | rrc::getNrMatrix (RRHandle handle) |
C_DECL_SPEC bool rrcCallConv | rrc::hasError () |
char *rrcCallConv | rrc::getLastError () |
int rrcCallConv | rrc::getNumberOfReactions (RRHandle handle) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::getReactionRate (RRHandle handle, const int rateNr, double *value) |
RRVectorPtr rrcCallConv | rrc::getReactionRates (RRHandle handle) |
int rrcCallConv | rrc::getNumberOfBoundarySpecies (RRHandle handle) |
RRStringArrayPtr rrcCallConv | rrc::getBoundarySpeciesIds (RRHandle handle) |
RRStringArrayPtr rrcCallConv | rrc::getBoundarySpeciesConcentrationIds (RRHandle handle) |
int rrcCallConv | rrc::getNumberOfFloatingSpecies (RRHandle handle) |
RRStringArrayPtr rrcCallConv | rrc::getFloatingSpeciesIds (RRHandle handle) |
RRStringArrayPtr rrcCallConv | rrc::getDependentFloatingSpeciesIds (RRHandle handle) |
RRStringArrayPtr rrcCallConv | rrc::getFloatingSpeciesConcentrationIds (RRHandle handle) |
int rrcCallConv | rrc::getNumberOfGlobalParameters (RRHandle handle) |
RRStringArrayPtr rrcCallConv | rrc::getGlobalParameterIds (RRHandle handle) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::getFloatingSpeciesInitialConcentrationByIndex (RRHandle handle, int index, double *value) |
RRVectorPtr rrcCallConv | rrc::getFloatingSpeciesConcentrations (RRHandle handle) |
RRVectorPtr rrcCallConv | rrc::getFloatingSpeciesAmounts (RRHandle handle) |
RRVectorPtr rrcCallConv | rrc::getBoundarySpeciesConcentrations (RRHandle handle) |
RRVectorPtr rrcCallConv | rrc::getBoundarySpeciesAmounts (RRHandle handle) |
RRVectorPtr rrcCallConv | rrc::getFloatingSpeciesInitialConcentrations (RRHandle handle) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::setFloatingSpeciesByIndex (RRHandle handle, const int index, const double value) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::setBoundarySpeciesByIndex (RRHandle handle, const unsigned int index, const double value) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::setGlobalParameterByIndex (RRHandle handle, const int index, const double value) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::setFloatingSpeciesInitialConcentrationByIndex (RRHandle handle, const int index, const double value) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::setFloatingSpeciesInitialConcentrations (RRHandle handle, const RRVectorPtr vec) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::setFloatingSpeciesConcentrations (RRHandle handle, const RRVectorPtr vec) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::setBoundarySpeciesConcentrations (RRHandle handle, const RRVectorPtr vec) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::oneStep (RRHandle handle, const double currentTime, const double stepSize, double *value) |
RRVectorPtr rrcCallConv | rrc::getGlobalParameterValues (RRHandle handle) |
RRListPtr rrcCallConv | rrc::getAvailableTimeCourseSymbols (RRHandle handle) |
RRListPtr rrcCallConv | rrc::getAvailableSteadyStateSymbols (RRHandle handle) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::getBoundarySpeciesByIndex (RRHandle handle, const int index, double *value) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::getFloatingSpeciesByIndex (RRHandle handle, const int index, double *value) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::getGlobalParameterByIndex (RRHandle handle, const int index, double *value) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::getuCC (RRHandle handle, const char *variable, const char *parameter, double *value) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::getCC (RRHandle handle, const char *variable, const char *parameter, double *value) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::getuEE (RRHandle handle, const char *name, const char *species, double *value) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::getEE (RRHandle handle, const char *name, const char *species, double *value) |
int rrcCallConv | rrc::getNumberOfDependentSpecies (RRHandle handle) |
int rrcCallConv | rrc::getNumberOfIndependentSpecies (RRHandle handle) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::steadyState (RRHandle handle, double *value) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::evalModel (RRHandle handle) |
char *rrcCallConv | rrc::getParamPromotedSBML (RRHandle handle, const char *sArg) |
RRVectorPtr rrcCallConv | rrc::computeSteadyStateValues (RRHandle handle) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::setSteadyStateSelectionList (RRHandle handle, const char *list) |
RRStringArrayPtr rrcCallConv | rrc::getSteadyStateSelectionList (RRHandle handle) |
RRDoubleMatrixPtr rrcCallConv | rrc::getFullJacobian (RRHandle handle) |
RRDoubleMatrixPtr rrcCallConv | rrc::getReducedJacobian (RRHandle handle) |
RRDoubleMatrixPtr rrcCallConv | rrc::getEigenvalues (RRHandle handle) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::setCodeGenerationMode (RRHandle handle, int mode) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::getScaledFloatingSpeciesElasticity (RRHandle handle, const char *reactionId, const char *speciesId, double *value) |
RRStringArrayPtr rrcCallConv | rrc::getFloatingSpeciesInitialConditionIds (RRHandle handle) |
RRStringArrayPtr rrcCallConv | rrc::getFloatingSpeciesInitialConcentrationIds (RRHandle handle) |
RRVectorPtr rrcCallConv | rrc::getRatesOfChangeEx (RRHandle handle, const RRVectorPtr vec) |
RRVectorPtr rrcCallConv | rrc::getReactionRatesEx (RRHandle handle, const RRVectorPtr vec) |
RRListPtr rrcCallConv | rrc::getElasticityCoefficientIds (RRHandle handle) |
int rrcCallConv | rrc::getNumRegisteredIntegrators () |
char *rrcCallConv | rrc::getRegisteredIntegratorName (int n) |
char *rrcCallConv | rrc::getRegisteredIntegratorHint (int n) |
char *rrcCallConv | rrc::getRegisteredIntegratorDescription (int n) |
int rrcCallConv | rrc::getNumInstantiatedIntegrators (RRHandle handle) |
int rrcCallConv | rrc::setCurrentIntegrator (RRHandle handle, char *nameOfIntegrator) |
char *rrcCallConv | rrc::getCurrentIntegratorName (RRHandle handle) |
char *rrcCallConv | rrc::getCurrentIntegratorDescription (RRHandle handle) |
char *rrcCallConv | rrc::getCurrentIntegratorHint (RRHandle handle) |
int rrcCallConv | rrc::getNumberOfCurrentIntegratorParameters (RRHandle handle) |
char *rrcCallConv | rrc::getCurrentIntegratorNthParameterName (RRHandle handle, int n) |
char *rrcCallConv | rrc::getCurrentIntegratorNthParameterDisplayName (RRHandle handle, int n) |
char *rrcCallConv | rrc::getCurrentIntegratorNthParameterHint (RRHandle handle, int n) |
int rrcCallConv | rrc::getCurrentIntegratorNthParameterType (RRHandle handle, int n) |
char *rrcCallConv | rrc::getCurrentIntegratorNthParameterDescription (RRHandle handle, int n) |
int rrcCallConv | rrc::resetCurrentIntegratorParameters (RRHandle handle) |
RRStringArrayPtr rrcCallConv | rrc::getListOfCurrentIntegratorParameterNames (RRHandle handle) |
char *rrcCallConv | rrc::getCurrentIntegratorParameterDescription (RRHandle handle, char *parameterName) |
char *rrcCallConv | rrc::getCurrentIntegratorParameterHint (RRHandle handle, char *parameterName) |
int rrcCallConv | rrc::getCurrentIntegratorParameterType (RRHandle handle, char *parameterName) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::addSpecies (RRHandle handle, const char *sid, const char *compartment, double initialAmount, bool hasOnlySubstanceUnits, bool boundaryCondition) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::addSpeciesNoRegen (RRHandle handle, const char *sid, const char *compartment, double initialAmount, bool hasOnlySubstanceUnits, bool boundaryCondition) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::removeSpecies (RRHandle handle, const char *sid) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::removeSpeciesNoRegen (RRHandle handle, const char *sid) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::setBoundary (RRHandle handle, const char *sid, bool boundaryCondition) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::setBoundaryNoRegen (RRHandle handle, const char *sid, bool boundaryCondition) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::setHasOnlySubstanceUnits (RRHandle handle, const char *sid, bool hasOnlySubstanceUnits) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::setHasOnlySubstanceUnitsNoRegen (RRHandle handle, const char *sid, bool hasOnlySubstanceUnits) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::setInitAmount (RRHandle handle, const char *sid, double initAmount) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::setInitAmountNoRegen (RRHandle handle, const char *sid, double initAmount) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::setInitConcentration (RRHandle handle, const char *sid, double initConcentration) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::setInitConcentrationNoRegen (RRHandle handle, const char *sid, double initConcentration) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::setConstant (RRHandle handle, const char *sid, bool constant) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::setConstantNoRegen (RRHandle handle, const char *sid, bool constant) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::addReactionFromSBML (RRHandle handle, const char *sbmlRep) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::addReactionFromSBMLNoRegen (RRHandle handle, const char *sbmlRep) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::addReaction (RRHandle handle, const char *rid, const char **reactants, int numReactants, const char **products, int numProducts, const char *kineticLaw) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::addReactionNoRegen (RRHandle handle, const char *rid, const char **reactants, int numReactants, const char **products, int numProducts, const char *kineticLaw) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::removeReaction (RRHandle handle, const char *rid) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::removeReactionNoRegen (RRHandle handle, const char *rid) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::setReversible (RRHandle handle, const char *rid, bool reversible) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::setReversibleNoRegen (RRHandle handle, const char *rid, bool reversible) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::setKineticLaw (RRHandle handle, const char *rid, const char *kineticLaw) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::setKineticLawNoRegen (RRHandle handle, const char *rid, const char *kineticLaw) |
C_DECL_SPEC char *rrcCallConv | rrc::getKineticLaw (RRHandle handle, const char *rid) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::addParameter (RRHandle handle, const char *pid, double value) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::addParameterNoRegen (RRHandle handle, const char *pid, double value) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::removeParameter (RRHandle handle, const char *pid) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::removeParameterNoRegen (RRHandle handle, const char *pid) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::addCompartment (RRHandle handle, const char *cid, double initVolume) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::addCompartmentNoRegen (RRHandle handle, const char *cid, double initVolume) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::removeCompartment (RRHandle handle, const char *cid) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::removeCompartmentNoRegen (RRHandle handle, const char *cid) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::addAssignmentRule (RRHandle handle, const char *vid, const char *formula) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::addAssignmentRuleNoRegen (RRHandle handle, const char *vid, const char *formula) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::addRateRule (RRHandle handle, const char *vid, const char *formula) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::addRateRuleNoRegen (RRHandle handle, const char *vid, const char *formula) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::removeRules (RRHandle handle, const char *vid) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::removeRulesNoRegen (RRHandle handle, const char *vid) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::addEvent (RRHandle handle, const char *eid, bool useValuesFromTriggerTime, const char *trigger) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::addEventNoRegen (RRHandle handle, const char *eid, bool useValuesFromTriggerTime, const char *trigger) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::addTrigger (RRHandle handle, const char *eid, const char *trigger) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::addTriggerNoRegen (RRHandle handle, const char *eid, const char *trigger) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::setPersistent (RRHandle handle, const char *eid, bool persistent) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::setPersistentNoRegen (RRHandle handle, const char *eid, bool persistent) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::setTriggerInitialValue (RRHandle handle, const char *eid, bool initValue) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::setTriggerInitialValueNoRegen (RRHandle handle, const char *eid, bool initValue) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::addPriority (RRHandle handle, const char *eid, const char *priority) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::addPriorityNoRegen (RRHandle handle, const char *eid, const char *priority) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::addDelay (RRHandle handle, const char *eid, const char *delay) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::addDelayNoRegen (RRHandle handle, const char *eid, const char *delay) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::addEventAssignment (RRHandle handle, const char *eid, const char *vid, const char *formula) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::addEventAssignmentNoRegen (RRHandle handle, const char *eid, const char *vid, const char *formula) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::removeEventAssignments (RRHandle handle, const char *eid, const char *vid) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::removeEventAssignmentsNoRegen (RRHandle handle, const char *eid, const char *vid) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::removeEvent (RRHandle handle, const char *eid) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::removeEventsNoRegen (RRHandle handle, const char *eid) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::validateCurrentSBML (RRHandle handle) |
int rrcCallConv | rrc::getCurrentIntegratorParameterInt (RRHandle handle, char *parameterName) |
int rrcCallConv | rrc::setCurrentIntegratorParameterInt (RRHandle handle, char *parameterName, int value) |
unsigned int rrcCallConv | rrc::getCurrentIntegratorParameterUInt (RRHandle handle, char *parameterName) |
int rrcCallConv | rrc::setCurrentIntegratorParameterUInt (RRHandle handle, char *parameterName, unsigned int value) |
double rrcCallConv | rrc::getCurrentIntegratorParameterDouble (RRHandle handle, char *parameterName) |
int rrcCallConv | rrc::setCurrentIntegratorParameterDouble (RRHandle handle, char *parameterName, double value) |
char *rrcCallConv | rrc::getCurrentIntegratorParameterString (RRHandle handle, char *parameterName) |
int rrcCallConv | rrc::setCurrentIntegratorParameterString (RRHandle handle, char *parameterName, char *value) |
int rrcCallConv | rrc::getCurrentIntegratorParameterBoolean (RRHandle handle, char *parameterName) |
int rrcCallConv | rrc::setCurrentIntegratorParameterBoolean (RRHandle handle, char *parameterName, int value) |
int rrcCallConv | rrc::getCurrentIntegratorParameterDoubleArray (RRHandle handle, char *parameterName, double **value, int *len) |
int rrcCallConv | rrc::setCurrentIntegratorParameterDoubleArray (RRHandle handle, char *parameterName, double *value, int len) |
int rrcCallConv | rrc::setCurrentIntegratorScalarConcentrationTolerance (RRHandle handle, double value) |
int rrcCallConv | rrc::setCurrentIntegratorVectorConcentrationTolerance (RRHandle handle, double *value, int len) |
int rrcCallConv | rrc::setCurrentIntegratorIndividualTolerance (RRHandle handle, char *sid, double value) |
int rrcCallConv | rrc::getNumRegisteredSteadyStateSolvers () |
char *rrcCallConv | rrc::getRegisteredSteadyStateSolverName (int n) |
char *rrcCallConv | rrc::getRegisteredSteadyStateSolverHint (int n) |
char *rrcCallConv | rrc::getRegisteredSteadyStateSolverDescription (int n) |
int rrcCallConv | rrc::setCurrentSteadyStateSolver (RRHandle handle, char *nameOfSteadyStateSolver) |
char *rrcCallConv | rrc::getCurrentSteadyStateSolverName (RRHandle handle) |
char *rrcCallConv | rrc::getCurrentSteadyStateSolverDescription (RRHandle handle) |
char *rrcCallConv | rrc::getCurrentSteadyStateSolverHint (RRHandle handle) |
int rrcCallConv | rrc::getNumberOfCurrentSteadyStateSolverParameters (RRHandle handle) |
char *rrcCallConv | rrc::getCurrentSteadyStateSolverNthParameterName (RRHandle handle, int n) |
char *rrcCallConv | rrc::getCurrentSteadyStateSolverNthParameterHint (RRHandle handle, int n) |
int rrcCallConv | rrc::getCurrentSteadyStateSolverNthParameterType (RRHandle handle, int n) |
char *rrcCallConv | rrc::getCurrentSteadyStateSolverNthParameterDisplayName (RRHandle handle, int n) |
char *rrcCallConv | rrc::getCurrentSteadyStateSolverNthParameterDescription (RRHandle handle, int n) |
int rrcCallConv | rrc::resetCurrentSteadyStateSolverParameters (RRHandle handle) |
const char *rrcCallConv | rrc::solverTypeToString (int code) |
RRStringArrayPtr rrcCallConv | rrc::getListOfCurrentSteadyStateSolverParameterNames (RRHandle handle) |
char *rrcCallConv | rrc::getCurrentSteadyStateSolverParameterDescription (RRHandle handle, char *parameterName) |
char *rrcCallConv | rrc::getCurrentSteadyStateSolverParameterHint (RRHandle handle, char *parameterName) |
int rrcCallConv | rrc::getCurrentSteadyStateSolverParameterType (RRHandle handle, char *parameterName) |
int rrcCallConv | rrc::getCurrentSteadyStateSolverParameterInt (RRHandle handle, char *parameterName) |
int rrcCallConv | rrc::setCurrentSteadyStateSolverParameterInt (RRHandle handle, char *parameterName, int value) |
unsigned int rrcCallConv | rrc::getCurrentSteadyStateSolverParameterUInt (RRHandle handle, char *parameterName) |
int rrcCallConv | rrc::setCurrentSteadyStateSolverParameterUInt (RRHandle handle, char *parameterName, unsigned int value) |
double rrcCallConv | rrc::getCurrentSteadyStateSolverParameterDouble (RRHandle handle, char *parameterName) |
int rrcCallConv | rrc::setCurrentSteadyStateSolverParameterDouble (RRHandle handle, char *parameterName, double value) |
char *rrcCallConv | rrc::getCurrentSteadyStateSolverParameterString (RRHandle handle, char *parameterName) |
int rrcCallConv | rrc::setCurrentSteadyStateSolverParameterString (RRHandle handle, char *parameterName, char *value) |
int rrcCallConv | rrc::getCurrentSteadyStateSolverParameterBoolean (RRHandle handle, char *parameterName) |
int rrcCallConv | rrc::setCurrentSteadyStateSolverParameterBoolean (RRHandle handle, char *parameterName, int value) |
RRStringArrayPtr rrcCallConv | rrc::getEigenvalueIds (RRHandle handle) |
RRListPtr rrcCallConv | rrc::getFluxControlCoefficientIds (RRHandle handle) |
RRDoubleMatrixPtr rrcCallConv | rrc::getUnscaledConcentrationControlCoefficientMatrix (RRHandle handle) |
RRDoubleMatrixPtr rrcCallConv | rrc::getScaledConcentrationControlCoefficientMatrix (RRHandle handle) |
RRDoubleMatrixPtr rrcCallConv | rrc::getUnscaledFluxControlCoefficientMatrix (RRHandle handle) |
RRDoubleMatrixPtr rrcCallConv | rrc::getScaledFluxControlCoefficientMatrix (RRHandle handle) |
RRListPtr rrcCallConv | rrc::getUnscaledFluxControlCoefficientIds (RRHandle handle) |
RRList *rrcCallConv | rrc::getConcentrationControlCoefficientIds (RRHandle handle) |
RRListPtr rrcCallConv | rrc::getUnscaledConcentrationControlCoefficientIds (RRHandle handle) |
int rrcCallConv | rrc::getNumberOfCompartments (RRHandle handle) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::getCompartmentByIndex (RRHandle handle, const int index, double *value) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::setCompartmentByIndex (RRHandle handle, const int index, const double value) |
RRStringArrayPtr rrcCallConv | rrc::getCompartmentIds (RRHandle handle) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::getRateOfChange (RRHandle handle, const int index, double *value) |
char *rrcCallConv | rrc::getBuildDate () |
char *rrcCallConv | rrc::getBuildTime () |
char *rrcCallConv | rrc::getBuildDateTime () |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::freeRRInstance (RRHandle handle) |
C_DECL_SPEC bool rrcCallConv | rrc::getSeed (RRHandle h, long *result) |
C_DECL_SPEC bool rrcCallConv | rrc::setSeed (RRHandle h, long result) |
C_DECL_SPEC RRCDataPtr rrcCallConv | rrc::gillespie (RRHandle handle) |
C_DECL_SPEC RRCDataPtr rrcCallConv | rrc::gillespieEx (RRHandle handle, double timeStart, double timeEnd) |
C_DECL_SPEC RRCDataPtr rrcCallConv | rrc::gillespieOnGrid (RRHandle handle) |
C_DECL_SPEC RRCDataPtr rrcCallConv | rrc::gillespieOnGridEx (RRHandle handle, double timeStart, double timeEnd, int numberOfPoints) |
C_DECL_SPEC RRCDataPtr rrcCallConv | rrc::gillespieMeanOnGrid (RRHandle handle, int numberOfSimulations) |
C_DECL_SPEC RRCDataPtr rrcCallConv | rrc::gillespieMeanOnGridEx (RRHandle handle, double timeStart, double timeEnd, int numberOfPoints, int numberOfSimulations) |
C_DECL_SPEC RRCDataPtr rrcCallConv | rrc::gillespieMeanSDOnGrid (RRHandle handle, int numberOfSimulations) |
C_DECL_SPEC RRCDataPtr rrcCallConv | rrc::gillespieMeanSDOnGridEx (RRHandle handle, double timeStart, double timeEnd, int numberOfPoints, int numberOfSimulations) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::reset (RRHandle handle) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::resetAll (RRHandle handle) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::resetToOrigin (RRHandle handle) |
bool rrcCallConv | rrc::resetParameter (RRHandle handle) |
int rrcCallConv | rrc::setConfigBool (const char *key, int value) |
int rrcCallConv | rrc::getConfigBool (const char *key) |
int rrcCallConv | rrc::setConfigInt (const char *key, int value) |
int rrcCallConv | rrc::getConfigInt (const char *key) |
int rrcCallConv | rrc::setConfigDouble (const char *key, double value) |
double rrcCallConv | rrc::getConfigDouble (const char *key) |
RRStringArrayPtr rrcCallConv | rrc::getListOfConfigKeys () |
roadRunner C wrappers 2012
<-----------------------------------------------------------— This file is part of cRoadRunner. See for more details.
Copyright (C) 2012-2013 University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
In plain english this means:
You CAN freely download and use this software, in whole or in part, for personal, company internal, or commercial purposes;
You CAN use the software in packages or distributions that you create.
You SHOULD include a copy of the license in any redistribution you may make;
You are NOT required include the source of software, or of any modifications you may have made to it, in any redistribution you may assemble that includes it.
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