"""Custom events dispatched by the canvas.
These events may later be used within a plugin system, where plugins are allowed to bind their own
handlers to these events.
# from __future__ import annotations
# pylint: disable=maybe-no-member
from collections import defaultdict
from dataclasses import dataclass, fields, is_dataclass
from typing import (
Type, Union,
import wx
from rkviewer.canvas.geometry import Vec2
# ------------------------------------------------------------
from inspect import getframeinfo, stack
# ------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class CanvasEvent:
[docs] def to_tuple(self):
assert is_dataclass(self), "as_tuple requires the CanvasEvent instance to be a dataclass!"
return tuple(getattr(self, f.name) for f in fields(self))
class SelectionDidUpdateEvent(CanvasEvent):
"""Called after the list of selected nodes and/or reactions has changed.
node_indices: The indices of the list of selected nodes.
reaction_indices: The indices of the list of selected reactions.
compartment_indices: The indices of the list of selected compartments.
node_indices: Set[int]
reaction_indices: Set[int]
compartment_indices: Set[int]
class CanvasDidUpdateEvent(CanvasEvent):
"""Called after the canvas has been updated by the controller."""
class DidNewNetworkEvent(CanvasEvent):
""" Called when the canvas is cleared by choosing "New".
class DidMoveNodesEvent(CanvasEvent):
"""Called after the position of a node changes but has not been committed to the model.
This event may be called many times, continuously as the user drags a group of nodes. Note that
only after the drag operation has ended, is model notified of the move for undo purposes. See
node_indices: The indices of the nodes that were moved.
offset: The position offset. If all nodes were moved by the same offset, then a single Vec2
is given; otherwise, a list of offsets are given, with each offset matching a node.
dragged: Whether the resize operation was done by the user dragging, and not, for exmaple,
through the form.
by_user: Whether the event was performed by the user or through a plugin.
node_indices: List[int]
offset: Union[Vec2, List[Vec2]]
dragged: bool
by_user: bool = True
class DidMoveCompartmentsEvent(CanvasEvent):
Same as `DidMoveNodesEvent` but for compartments.
compartment_indices: The indices of the compartments that were moved.
offset: The position offset. If all compartments were moved by the same offset,
then a single Vec2 is given; otherwise, a list of offsets are given,
with each offset matching a node.
dragged: Whether the resize operation was done by the user dragging, and not, for example,
through the form.
by_user: Whether the event was performed by the user or through a plugin.
compartment_indices: List[int]
offset: Union[Vec2, List[Vec2]]
dragged: bool
by_user: bool = True
class DidResizeNodesEvent(CanvasEvent):
"""Called after the list of selected nodes has been resized.
node_indices: The indices of the list of resized nodes.
ratio: The resize ratio.
dragged: Whether the resize operation was done by the user dragging, and not, for exmaple,
through the form.
by_user: Whether the event was performed by the user or through a plugin.
node_indices: List[int]
ratio: Vec2
dragged: bool
by_user: bool = True
class DidResizeCompartmentsEvent(CanvasEvent):
"""Called after the list of selected compartments has been resized.
compartment_indices: The indices of the list of resized compartments.
ratio: The resize ratio.
dragged: Whether the resize operation was done by the user dragging, and not, for exmaple,
through the form.
by_user: Whether the event was performed by the user or through a plugin.
compartment_indices: List[int]
ratio: Union[Vec2, List[Vec2]]
dragged: bool
by_user: bool = True
class DidCommitDragEvent(CanvasEvent):
"""Dispatched after any continuously emitted dragging event has concluded.
This is dispatched for any event that is posted in quick intervals while the mouse left
button is held while moving, i.e. "dragging" events. This includes: DidMoveNodesEvent,
DidMoveCompartmentsEvent, DidResizeNodesEvent, DidResizeCompartmentsEvent,
and DidResizeMoveBezierHandlesEvent. This event is emitted after the left mouse button is
released, the model is notified of the change, and the action is complete.
source: Any
class DidMoveBezierHandleEvent(CanvasEvent):
"""Dispatched after a Bezier handle is moved.
net_index: The network index.
reaction_index: The reaction index.
node_index: The index of the node whose Bezier handle moved. -1 if the source centroid
handle was moved, or -2 if the dest centroid handle was moved.
direct: Automatically true when by_user is False. Otherwise, True if the handle is
moved by the user dragging the handle directly, and False if the handle was moved
by the user dragging the node associated with that handle.
by_user: Whether the event was performed by the user or through a plugin.
net_index: int
reaction_index: int
node_index: int
by_user: bool
direct: bool
class DidMoveReactionCenterEvent(CanvasEvent):
"""Dispatched after the reaction center is moved by the user.
Note that this is not triggered if the center moved automatically due to nodes moving.
net_index: The network index.
reaction_index: The reaction index.
offset: The amount moved.
dragged: Whether the center is moved by the user dragging (it could have been through the
net_index: int
reaction_index: int
offset: Vec2
dragged: bool
class DidAddNodeEvent(CanvasEvent):
"""Called after a node has been added.
node: The index of the node that was added.
This event triggers only if the user has performed a drag operation, and not, for example,
if the user moved a node in the edit panel.
TODO in the documentation that this event and related ones (and DidDelete-) are emitted before
controller.end_group() is called. As an alternative, maybe create a call_after() function
similar to wxPython? it should be called in OnIdle() or Refresh()
node: int
class DidDeleteEvent(CanvasEvent):
"""Called after a node has been deleted.
node_indices: The set of nodes (indices )that were deleted.
reaction_indices: The set of reactions (indices) that were deleted.
compartment_indices: The set of compartment (indices) that were deleted.
node_indices: Set[int]
reaction_indices: Set[int]
compartment_indices: Set[int]
class DidAddReactionEvent(CanvasEvent):
"""Called after a reaction has been added.
reaction: The Reaction that was added.
index: int
sources: List[int]
targets: List[int]
class DidAddCompartmentEvent(CanvasEvent):
"""Called after a compartment has been added.
compartment: The Compartment that was added.
index: int
class DidChangeCompartmentOfNodesEvent(CanvasEvent):
"""Called after one or more nodes have been moved to a new compartment.
node_indices: The list of node indices that changed compartment.
old_compi: The old compartment index, -1 for base compartment.
new_compi: The new compartment index, -1 for base compartment.
by_user: Whether this event was triggered directly by a user action, as opposed to by a
node_indices: List[int]
old_compi: int
new_compi: int
by_user: bool = True
class DidModifyNodesEvent(CanvasEvent):
"""Called after a property of one or more nodes has been modified, excluding position or size.
For position and size events, see DidMove...Event() and DidResize...Event()
nodes: The indices of the list of nodes that were modified.
by_user: Whether this event was triggered directly by a user action and not, for example,
by a plugin.
indices: List[int]
by_user: bool = True
class DidModifyReactionEvent(CanvasEvent):
"""Called after a property of one or more nodes has been modified, excluding position.
indices: The indices of the list of reactions that were modified.
by_user: Whether this event was triggered directly by a user action and not, for example,
by a plugin.
indices: List[int]
by_user: bool = True
class DidModifyCompartmentsEvent(CanvasEvent):
"""Called after a property of one or more compartments has been modified, excluding position or size.
For position and size events, see DidMove...Event() and DidResize...Event()
indices: The indices of list of compartments that were modified.
indices: List[int]
class DidUndoEvent(CanvasEvent):
"""Called after an undo action is done."""
by_user: bool = True
class DidRedoEvent(CanvasEvent):
"""Called after a redo action is done."""
by_user: bool = True
class DidPaintCanvasEvent(CanvasEvent):
"""Called after the canvas has been painted.
gc: The graphics context of the canvas.
gc: wx.GraphicsContext
EventCallback = Callable[[CanvasEvent], None]
[docs]class HandlerNode:
next_: Optional['HandlerNode']
prev: Optional['HandlerNode']
handler: EventCallback
def __init__(self, handler: EventCallback):
self.handler = handler
self.next_ = None
# Maps CanvasElement to a dict that maps events to handler nodes
handler_map: Dict[int, Tuple['HandlerChain', HandlerNode]] = dict()
# Maps event to a chain of handlers
event_chains: DefaultDict[Type[CanvasEvent], 'HandlerChain'] = defaultdict(lambda: HandlerChain())
handler_id = 0
[docs]class HandlerChain:
head: Optional[HandlerNode]
tail: Optional[HandlerNode]
def __init__(self):
self.head = None
self.tail = None
self.it_cur = None
[docs] def remove(self, node: HandlerNode):
if node.prev is not None:
node.prev.next_ = node.next_
self.head = node.next_
if node.next_ is not None:
node.next_.prev = node.prev
self.tail = node.prev
def __iter__(self):
self.it_cur = self.head
return self
def __next__(self):
if self.it_cur is None:
raise StopIteration()
ret = self.it_cur.handler
self.it_cur = self.it_cur.next_
return ret
[docs] def append(self, handler: EventCallback) -> HandlerNode:
node = HandlerNode(handler)
if self.head is None:
assert self.tail is None
self.head = self.tail = node
assert self.tail is not None
node.prev = self.tail
self.tail.next_ = node
self.tail = node
return node
[docs]def bind_handler(evt_cls: Type[CanvasEvent], callback: EventCallback) -> int:
global handler_id
ret = handler_id
chain = event_chains[evt_cls]
hnode = chain.append(callback)
handler_map[ret] = (chain, hnode)
handler_id += 1
return ret
[docs]def unbind_handler(handler_id: int):
chain, hnode = handler_map[handler_id]
del handler_map[handler_id]
[docs]def post_event(evt: CanvasEvent):
# debugging
if not str(evt)[:14]=="DidPaintCanvas":
caller = getframeinfo(stack()[1][0])
print("%s:%d - %s" % (caller.filename, caller.lineno, str(evt)))
for callback in iter(event_chains[type(evt)]):