Quick Start


  • Install Python 3.8, 3.9 or 3.10 if not already on the system.

  • Open the command line and type pip install SBcoyote.

  • If wxPython is not installed automatically, please try to install wxPython 4.1.1 or 4.2.0 manually referring to https://wxpython.org/pages/downloads/index.html. Note that wxPython 4.1.1 is not compatible Python 3.10.

  • To run the application, simply type in the command line SBcoyote.


Installing with Poetry

  1. If you do not have poetry installed on your computer, follow the quick steps shown here (https://python-poetry.org/docs/).

  2. Once you have poetry installed, you will download SBcoyote. Click the green button at the top of this page that says “Code” and choose “Download ZIP”, then unzip the folder to your desired directory. Make a note of the directory location as you will need it for the next step.

  3. Open your terminal and navigate to the directory containing SBcoyote.

  4. Once inside the main folder of the application you can install the dependencies. To install the base dependencies run poetry install. To install the optional ones as well, run poetry install -E simulation. Note that this step may take a while.

  5. Finally, you will run the application with the command poetry run SBcoyote.

After you have completed all of these steps, you will not have to repeat them every time you want to run the application. Once the setup is done you will only need to open the terminal, navigate into the folder that contains your SBcoyote application, and run the command poetry run SBcoyote.

Installing without Poetry

We strongly advise following the steps above as it makes the set-up process much faster and simpler. However, to install SBcoyote without Poetry, here is the process you will follow:

  1. First, download SBcoyote. Click the green button at the top of this page that says “Code” and choose “Download ZIP”, then unzip the folder to your desired directory. Make a note of the directory location as you will need it for the next step.

  2. Open your terminal and navigate to the directory containing SBcoyote.

  3. To install the base set of dependencies, you will run pip install -r requirements.txt. Then if you want to install the optional dependencies as well, run pip install -r requirements-simualtion.txt.

  4. Finally, you will run the application with the command python -m rkviewer.main.

After you have completed all of these steps, you will not have to repeat them every time you want to run the application. Once the setup is done you will only need to open the terminal, navigate into the folder that contains your SBcoyote application, and run the command python -m rkviewer.main.


  • If you have poetry, simply run poetry run SBcoyote.

  • Otherwise, in your virtual environment, run python -m rkviewer.main.


Running locally:

  • If you have pipenv, run pipenv install and then python main.py.

  • If not, you may use pip with requirements.txt and requirements-dev.txt. They are generated from the Pipfile and may not be up-to-date though, so check the commit history to make sure.

Building an Executable with Pyinstaller:

  • Always run pyinstaller rkviewer.spec when rkviewer.spec is present.

  • If somehow rkviewer.spec went missing or you want to regenerate the build specs, run pyinstaller -F --windowed --add-data ext/Iodine.dll;. main.py on Windows or pyinstaller -F -- windowed --add-data ext/Iodine.dll:. main.py on Linux/Mac to generate a file named main.spec. Note that if a main.spec file is already present it will be overwritten.


The python version for development was 3.7.7.

Mac Notes:

  • Note that on MacOS, if you wish to use SBcoyote in a virtual environment, use venv instead of virtualenv, due to the latter’s issues with wxPython.

  • pyinstaller and wxPython require a python built with enable-framework on. Therefore, one should do env PYTHON_CONFIGURE_OPTS="--enable-framework" pyenv install 3.7.7 and use that Python installation for building.

  • If the text is blurry in the app bundled by pyinstaller, one needs to add an entry in the pyinstaller settings as described in https://stackoverflow.com/a/40676321 .

Linux Notes:

  • To install wxPython on linux, see https://wxpython.org/blog/2017-08-17-builds-for-linux-with-pip/index.html. requirements-dev.txt and requirements.txt assume the user is on Ubuntu 18.04 for readthedocs. If you have a different distro and have trouble using requirements.txt, just install wxPython manually using the previous link.

  • Related to the last note, if readthedocs start having trouble building wxPython, understand that it might be because readthedocs updated its distro from Ubuntu 18.04. Go to requirements-dev.txt and change the line above wxPython to look in the appropriate link.