"""Classes for storing and managing data for graph elements."""
# from __future__ import annotations
# pylint: disable=maybe-no-member
from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import Enum, auto
from functools import reduce
import wx
import copy
import math
from math import factorial, pi, sin, cos
from operator import mul
from itertools import chain
import numpy as np
from typing import Any, Callable, ClassVar, Container, List, NamedTuple, Optional, Sequence, Set, Tuple, cast
from collections import namedtuple
from .geometry import Vec2, Rect, get_bounding_rect, padded_rect, pt_in_circle, pt_on_line, rotate_unit, segment_rect_intersection, segments_intersect
from .state import cstate
from ..config import get_setting, get_theme, Color, Font
from ..utils import gchain, pairwise
MAXSEGS = 8 # Number of segments used to construct bezier
HANDLE_RADIUS = 5 # Radius of the contro lhandle
NODE_EDGE_GAP_DISTANCE = 4 # Distance between node and start of bezier line
class Primitive:
name: ClassVar[str] = 'generic primitive'
class CirclePrim(Primitive):
name: ClassVar[str] = 'circle'
fill_color: Color = Color(255, 0, 0, 255)
border_color: Color = Color(0, 255, 0, 255)
border_width: float = 2
class RectanglePrim(Primitive):
name: ClassVar[str] = 'rectangle'
fill_color: Color = Color(255, 0, 0, 255)
border_color: Color = Color(0, 255, 0, 255)
border_width: float = 2
corner_radius: float = 4
[docs]class ChoiceItem(NamedTuple):
value: Any
text: str
[docs]class TextAlignment(Enum):
LEFT = auto()
CENTER = auto()
RIGHT = auto()
ChoiceItem(wx.FONTFAMILY_SWISS, 'sans-serif'),
ChoiceItem(wx.FONTFAMILY_ROMAN, 'serif'),
ChoiceItem(wx.FONTFAMILY_MODERN, 'monospace'),
# ChoiceItem(wx.FONTFAMILY_DEFAULT, 'default'),
# ChoiceItem(wx.FONTFAMILY_DECORATIVE, 'decorative'),
# ChoiceItem(wx.FONTFAMILY_SCRIPT, 'script'),
ChoiceItem(wx.FONTSTYLE_NORMAL, 'normal'),
ChoiceItem(wx.FONTSTYLE_ITALIC, 'italic'),
# ChoiceItem(wx.FONTSTYLE_SLANT, 'slant'),
ChoiceItem(wx.FONTWEIGHT_MEDIUM, 'normal'),
ChoiceItem(wx.FONTWEIGHT_BOLD, 'bold'),
ChoiceItem(wx.FONTWEIGHT_LIGHT, 'light'),
ChoiceItem(TextAlignment.LEFT, 'left'),
ChoiceItem(TextAlignment.CENTER, 'center'),
ChoiceItem(TextAlignment.RIGHT, 'right'),
[docs]class TextPosition(Enum):
IN_NODE = auto()
ABOVE = auto()
BELOW = auto()
NEXT_TO = auto()
ChoiceItem(TextPosition.IN_NODE, "Text Inside"),
ChoiceItem(TextPosition.ABOVE, "Above Node"),
ChoiceItem(TextPosition.BELOW, "Below Node"),
ChoiceItem(TextPosition.NEXT_TO, "Next to Node")
class TextPrim(Primitive):
name: ClassVar[str] = 'text'
bg_color: Color = Color(255, 255, 0, 0)
font_color: Color = Color(0, 0, 0, 255)
font_size: int = 11
font_family: int = wx.FONTFAMILY_SWISS
font_style: int = wx.FONTSTYLE_NORMAL
font_weight: int = wx.FONTWEIGHT_MEDIUM
alignment: TextAlignment = TextAlignment.CENTER
position: TextPosition = TextPosition.IN_NODE
[docs]def gen_polygon_pts(n, r=0.5, phase=0) -> Tuple[Vec2, ...]:
This function is used to define the vertices in 2D space of n-polygons. Each equilateral
polygon is drawn inside a circle with specified radius.
n: the number of sides of the polygon
r: radius of the circle in which the polygon is drawn
phase: the phase of the first point, in radians. If phase is 0, the first point is drawn at
(r, 0) relative to the origin.
assert n >= 2
origin = Vec2()
inc = 2 * pi /n
return tuple(origin + r * Vec2(cos(inc * i + phase), sin(inc * i + phase))
for i in range(n + 1))
class PolygonPrim(Primitive):
name: ClassVar[str] = 'polygon'
points: Tuple[Vec2, ...]
fill_color: Color = Color(255, 0, 0, 255)
border_color: Color = Color(0, 255, 0, 255)
border_width: float = 2
radius: float = 0.5
class HexagonPrim(PolygonPrim):
name: ClassVar[str] = 'hexagon'
points: Tuple[Vec2, ...] = gen_polygon_pts(6)
class LinePrim(PolygonPrim):
name: ClassVar[str] = 'line'
# exclude the last point since we don't need the lines to be closed
points: Tuple[Vec2, ...] = gen_polygon_pts(2)[:-1]
class TrianglePrim(PolygonPrim):
name: ClassVar[str] = 'triangle'
points: Tuple[Vec2, ...] = gen_polygon_pts(3)
class CompositeShape:
items: List[Tuple[Primitive, Transform]]
text_item: Tuple[TextPrim, Transform]
name: str
def __copy__(self):
return CompositeShape(copy.deepcopy(self.items), copy.deepcopy(self.text_item), self.name)
[docs]class PrimitiveFactory:
'''Factory that produces primitives.
Why do we need this?
1. Dynamic population of fields. When I need a primitive, I call produce(), which creates
a primitive based on the latest data, e.g. theme.
2. That's it.
How do we achieve dynamically created fields? In the constructor of this class, we allow
passing functions as values for fields. On product(), we call these functions to populate the
fields. Of course, the user can still pass all-static fields, which would work as intended.
def __init__(self, prim_class, **kwargs):
fields = prim_class.__dataclass_fields__
for key in kwargs.keys():
if key not in fields:
assert False # TODO raise ValueError
self.prim_class = prim_class
self.abstract_kwargs = kwargs
[docs] def produce(self):
kwargs = dict()
# construct actual arguments
for key, value in self.abstract_kwargs.items():
concrete_value = None
if callable(value):
concrete_value = value()
concrete_value = value
kwargs[key] = concrete_value
return self.prim_class(**kwargs)
[docs]class CompositeShapeFactory:
'''A factory for a composite shape, see PrimitiveFactory for more information.
def __init__(self, item_factories: List[Tuple[PrimitiveFactory, Transform]],
text_factory: Tuple[PrimitiveFactory, Transform], name: str):
self.item_factories = item_factories
self.text_factory = text_factory
self.name = name
[docs] def produce(self):
items = [(prim.produce(), tf) for prim, tf in self.item_factories]
textitem = (self.text_factory[0].produce(), self.text_factory[1])
return CompositeShape(items, textitem, self.name)
[docs]class RectData:
position: Vec2
size: Vec2
[docs]class Node(RectData):
"""Class that represents a Node for rendering purposes.
index: The index of the node. If this node has not yet been added to the NOM, this takes on
the value of -1.
id: The ID of the node.
fill_color: The fill color of the node.
border_color: The border color of the node.
border_width: The border width of the node.
position: Position of the size.
size: Position of the size.
net_index: The network index of the node.
id: str
# fill_color: wx.Colour
# border_color: wx.Colour
# border_width: float
concentration: float
node_name: str
node_SBO: str
position: Vec2
size: Vec2
comp_idx: int
index: int
net_index: int
floatingNode: bool
lockNode: bool # Prevent users from moving the node
shape_index: int
composite_shape: Optional[CompositeShape]
# -1 if this is an original node, or if this is an alias node, then the index of the original copy
original_index: int
# force keyword-only arguments
def __init__(self, id: str, net_index: int, *, pos: Vec2, size: Vec2, comp_idx: int = -1,
floatingNode: bool = True,
lockNode: bool = False,
shape_index: int = 0,
composite_shape: Optional[CompositeShape] = None,
index: int = -1,
original_index: int = -1,
concentration: float = 0.0,
node_name: str = '',
node_SBO: str = ''):
self.index = index
self.net_index = net_index
self.id = id
self.position = pos
self.size = size
# self.fill_color = fill_color
# self.border_color = border_color
# self.border_width = border_width
self.comp_idx = comp_idx
self.floatingNode = floatingNode
self.lockNode = lockNode
self.shape_index = shape_index
self.composite_shape = composite_shape
self.original_index = original_index
self.concentration = concentration
self.node_name = node_name
self.node_SBO = node_SBO
def _get_prim_field(self, field):
for prim, _ in self.composite_shape.items:
if hasattr(prim, field):
return getattr(prim, field)
return None
def fill_color(self):
return self._get_prim_field('fill_color')
def border_color(self):
return self._get_prim_field('border_color')
def border_width(self):
return self._get_prim_field('border_width')
def s_position(self):
"""The scaled position of the node obtained by multiplying the scale."""
return self.position
def s_size(self):
"""The scaled size of the node obtained by multiplying the scale."""
return self.size
def s_rect(self):
"""Return scaled position/size as Rect.
Note that the fields of the returned rect is copied, so one cannot modify this node through
the rect.
return Rect(copy.copy(self.s_position), copy.copy(self.s_size))
def rect(self):
"""The same as s_rect, but the rectangle is unscaled.
return Rect(self.position, self.size)
def __repr__(self):
return 'Node(index={}, id="{}")'.format(self.index, self.id)
[docs] def props_equal(self, other: 'Node'):
return self.id == other.id and self.position == other.position and \
self.size == other.size
[docs]def compute_centroid(rects: Sequence[Rect]) -> Vec2:
"""Compute the centroid position of a list of reactant and product nodes."""
total = sum((r.center_point for r in rects), Vec2())
return total / (len(rects))
BezJ = np.zeros((MAXSEGS + 1, 5)) #: Precomputed Bezier curve data
BezJPrime = np.zeros((MAXSEGS + 1, 5)) #: Precomputed bezier curve data
INITIALIZED = False #: Flag for asserting that the above data is initialized
CURVE_SLACK = 5 #: Distance allowed on either side of a curve for testing click hit.
# inefficient implementation of comb(), but we only call this on startup, so that's fine
[docs]def comb(n, k):
if k < n-k:
return reduce(mul, range(n-k+1, n+1), 1) // factorial(k)
return reduce(mul, range(k+1, n+1), 1) // factorial(n-k)
[docs]def init_bezier():
"""Initialize (precompute) the Bezier data."""
for ti in range(MAXSEGS+1):
t = ti/MAXSEGS
for i in range(4): # i = 0, 1, 2, 3
BezJ[ti, i] = cast(int, comb(3, i)) * math.pow(t, i) * math.pow(1-t, 3-i)
# At the moment hard-wired for n = 3
tm = 1 - t
BezJPrime[ti, 0] = -3*tm*tm
BezJPrime[ti, 1] = 3*tm*tm - 6*t*tm
BezJPrime[ti, 2] = 6*t*tm - 3*t*t
BezJPrime[ti, 3] = 3*t*t
[docs]class ModifierTipStyle(Enum):
CIRCLE = 'circle'
TEE = 'tee'
class Reaction:
id: str
net_index: int
index: int
center_pos: Optional[Vec2]
fill_color: wx.Colour
rate_law: str
_sources: List[int]
_targets: List[int]
_thickness: float
src_c_handle: 'HandleData'
dest_c_handle: 'HandleData'
handles: List['HandleData']
bezierCurves: bool
modifiers: Set[int]
modifier_tip_style: ModifierTipStyle
def __init__(self, id: str, net_index: int, *, sources: List[int], targets: List[int],
handle_positions: List[Vec2], fill_color: wx.Colour,
line_thickness: float, rate_law: str, center_pos: Optional[Vec2] = None,
bezierCurves: bool = True, modifiers: Set[int] = None,
modifier_tip_style: ModifierTipStyle = ModifierTipStyle.CIRCLE, index: int = -1):
"""Constructor for a reaction.
id: Reaction ID.
sources: List of source (reactant) nodes.
targets: List of target (product) nodes.
handle: List of HandleData structs for reactant nodes and product nodes. This is in the
same order as sources and targets, i.e. [*sources, *targets].
src_c_handle: HandleData struct for the source centroid handle.
dest_c_handle: HandleData struct for the dest centroid handle.
fill_color: Fill color of the curve.
rate_law: The rate law string of the reaction; may not be valid.
index: Reaction index.
net_index: The network index of the reaction.
self.id = id
self.net_index = net_index
self.index = index
self.center_pos = center_pos
self.fill_color = fill_color
self.rate_law = rate_law
self._sources = sources
self._targets = targets
self._thickness = line_thickness
self.bezierCurves = bezierCurves
self.modifier_tip_style = modifier_tip_style
if modifiers is None:
modifiers = set()
self.modifiers = modifiers
assert len(handle_positions) == len(sources) + len(targets) + 1
src_handle_pos = handle_positions[0]
# Initialize to some arbitrary value. This should be controlled by ReactionBezier later.
dest_handle_pos = Vec2()
handle_pos = handle_positions[1:]
self.src_c_handle = HandleData(src_handle_pos)
self.dest_c_handle = HandleData(dest_handle_pos)
self.handles = [HandleData(p) for p in handle_pos]
def thickness(self) -> float:
return self._thickness
def sources(self) -> List[int]:
return self._sources
def targets(self) -> List[int]:
return self._targets
[docs]def paint_handle(gc: wx.GraphicsContext, base: Vec2, handle: Vec2, hovering: bool):
"""Paint the handle as given by its base and tip positions, highlighting it if hovering."""
c = get_theme('highlighted_handle_color') if hovering else get_theme('handle_color')
brush = wx.Brush(c)
pen = gc.CreatePen(wx.GraphicsPenInfo(c))
# Draw handle lines
gc.StrokeLine(*base, *handle)
# Draw handle circles
gc.DrawEllipse(handle.x - HANDLE_RADIUS, handle.y - HANDLE_RADIUS,
[docs]class HandleData:
"""Struct for keeping handle data in-sync between the BezierHandle element and the Reaction.
tip: The position of the tip of the handle. May be modified by BezierHandle when user drags
the handle element.
base: The position of the base of the handle. May be modified by ReactionBezier, etc. as
a response to movement of nodes, handles, etc. HACK this is only updated in the
do_paint method of ReactionElement, and since the BezierHandles are drawn after
the ReactionElements, the position of the base *happens* to be updated each time, but
if it were drawn before, it would be one step behind.
tip: Vec2
base: Optional[Vec2]
def __init__(self, tip: Vec2, base: Vec2 = None):
self.tip = tip
self.base = base
[docs]class SpeciesBezier:
"""Class that keeps track of the Bezier curve associated with a reaction species.
When drawing the reaction curve, the builtin AddCurveToPoint is used. However, for the
purpose of detecting a click on the curve, we still need to compute a rough approximation
of the Bezier curve (e.g. 5 straight line segments). Hence why we need to compute the Bezier
node: The associated node.
node_intersection: The intersection point between the handle and the padded node, i.e. the
point after which the handle is not drawn, to create a gap.
handle: Beizer handle for the side on the species.
cnetroid_handle: Bezier handle for the centroid, shared among all reactants/products of
this reaction.
is_source: Whether this species is considered a source or a dest node.
arrow_adjusted_coords: Coordinate array for the arrow vertices.
bezierCurves: True if we are drawing Bezier curves. Otherwise we are drawing simple
straight lines.
node_idx: int
node_intersection: Optional[Vec2]
handle: HandleData
centroid_handle: HandleData
is_source: bool
bezier_points: List[Vec2]
real_center: Vec2
thickness: float
_extended_handle: Vec2
_collision_dirty: bool #: Whether the Bezier curve needs to be recomputed.
_paint_dirty: bool
bezierCurves: bool
def __init__(self, node_idx: int, node_rect: Rect, handle: HandleData, real_center: Vec2,
centroid_handle: HandleData, is_source: bool, thickness: float, bezierCurves: bool):
assert INITIALIZED, 'Bezier matrices not initialized! Call init_bezier()'
self.node_idx = node_idx
self.node_rect = node_rect
self.node_intersection = None
self.handle = handle
self.centroid_handle = centroid_handle
self.is_source = is_source
self.bezier_points = [Vec2() for _ in range(MAXSEGS + 1)]
self._collision_dirty = True
self._paint_dirty = True
self.arrow_adjusted_coords = list()
self.thickness = thickness
self.bezierCurves = bezierCurves
[docs] def update_curve(self, real_center: Vec2):
"""Called after either the node, the centroid, or at least one of their handles changed.
self.real_center = real_center
self._collision_dirty = True
self._paint_dirty = True
[docs] def get_bounding_rect(self) -> Rect:
top = min(pt.y for pt in self.bezier_points)
bottom = max(pt.y for pt in self.bezier_points)
left = min(pt.x for pt in self.bezier_points)
right = max(pt.x for pt in self.bezier_points)
return Rect(Vec2(left, top), Vec2(right - left, bottom - top))
def _recompute(self, for_collision: bool):
"""Recompute everything that could have changed.
for_collision is an attempt at optimizing this function. If it is True, then the reaction
curve segments will be recalculated (the segments are for detecting if the user clicked
on them).
if self._collision_dirty or self._paint_dirty:
# STEP 1, get intersection between handle and node outer padding
node_center = self.node_rect.position + self.node_rect.size / 2
# add a padding to node, so that the Bezier curve starts outside the node. The portion
# of the handle within this is not drawn
outer_rect = padded_rect(self.node_rect, NODE_EDGE_GAP_DISTANCE)
self.node_intersection = None
# extend handle to make sure that an intersection is found between the handle and the
# node rectangle sides. We're essentially making the handle a ray.
longer_side = max(outer_rect.size.x, outer_rect.size.y)
long_dist = (longer_side + NODE_EDGE_GAP_DISTANCE) * 10
other_point = self.handle.tip if self.bezierCurves else self.real_center
handle_diff = other_point - node_center
if handle_diff.norm_sq <= 1e-6:
# if norm is too small, make it a hardcoded value to avoid zero vectors
handle_diff = Vec2(0, 1)
self._extended_handle = node_center + handle_diff.normalized(long_dist)
handle_segment = (node_center, self._extended_handle)
# check for intersection on the side
self.node_intersection = segment_rect_intersection(handle_segment, outer_rect)
assert self.node_intersection is not None
if for_collision:
# STEP 2, recompute Bezier curve
if self._collision_dirty:
for i in range(MAXSEGS+1):
tmp = Vec2()
for j, point in enumerate((self.node_intersection, self.handle.tip,
self.centroid_handle.tip, self.real_center)):
tmp += point * float(BezJ[i, j])
# and scale back down again
self.bezier_points[i] = tmp
self._collision_dirty = False
# STEP 3, recompute arrow tip
if self._paint_dirty:
self._paint_dirty = False
if not self.is_source:
self.node_intersection - self._extended_handle)
[docs] def arrow_tip_changed(self):
self._paint_dirty = True
def _recompute_arrow_tip(self, tip, slope):
"""Helper that recomputes the vertex coordinates of the arrow, given the tip pos and slope.
alpha = -math.atan2(slope.y, slope.x)
cosine = math.cos(alpha)
sine = math.sin(alpha)
# Adjust the tip so that it moves forward slightly
tip += TIP_DISPLACEMENT * Vec2(cosine, -sine)
# Rotate the arrow into the correct orientation
self.arrow_adjusted_coords = list()
points = cstate.arrow_tip.points
for i in range(4):
coord = Vec2(points[i].x * cosine + points[i].y * sine,
-points[i].x * sine + points[i].y * cosine)
# Compute the distance of the tip of the arrow to the end point on the line
# where the arrow should be placed. Then use this distance to translate the arrow
offset = tip - self.arrow_adjusted_coords[3]
# Translate the remaining coordinates of the arrow, note tip = Q
for i in range(4):
self.arrow_adjusted_coords[i] += offset
[docs] def is_on_curve(self, pos: Vec2) -> bool:
"""Check if position is on curve; pos is scaled logical position."""
if self.bezierCurves:
return any(pt_on_line(p1, p2, pos,
CURVE_SLACK + self.thickness / 2)
for p1, p2 in pairwise(self.bezier_points))
assert self.node_intersection is not None
return pt_on_line(self.node_intersection,
self.real_center, pos,
CURVE_SLACK + self.thickness / 2)
[docs] def do_paint(self, gc: wx.GraphicsContext, fill: wx.Colour, selected: bool):
rxn_color: wx.Colour
# Draw bezier curve
if selected:
rxn_color = get_theme('selected_reaction_fill')
rxn_color = fill
pen = gc.CreatePen(wx.GraphicsPenInfo(rxn_color).Width(self.thickness))
# gc.StrokeLines([wx.Point2D(*(p * cstate.scale)) for p in self.bezier_points])
path = gc.CreatePath()
points = [p for p in (self.node_intersection,
if self.bezierCurves:
path.AddCurveToPoint(*points[1], *points[2], *points[3])
if selected:
assert self.node_intersection is not None
self.handle.base = self.node_intersection
# Draw arrow tip
if not self.is_source:
color = get_theme('handle_color') if selected else fill
self.paint_arrow_tip(gc, color)
[docs] def paint_arrow_tip(self, gc: wx.GraphicsContext, fill: wx.Colour):
assert len(self.arrow_adjusted_coords) == 4, \
"Arrow adjusted coords is not of length 4: {}".format(self.arrow_adjusted_coords)
for coord in self.arrow_adjusted_coords])
[docs]class ReactionBezier:
"""Class that keeps track of all Bezier curve data for a reaction.
TODO move this documentation to utils
CENTER_RATIO: The ratio of source centroid handle length to the distance between the zeroth
node and the centroid (center handle is aligned with the zeroth node)
DUPLICATE_RATIO: Valid for a Bezier whose node is both a product and a reactant. The ratio
of length of the product Bezier handle to the distance between the node
and the centroid.
DUPLICATE_ROT: Rotation (radians) applied to the product Bezier handle, for nodes that are
both reactant and product. The handle is rotated so as to not align perfectly
with the source Bezier handle (otherwise the reactant and product curves
would completely overlap).
src_beziers: List of SpeciesBezier instances for reactants.
dest_beziers: List of SpeciesBezier instances for products.
TODO move this to Reaction
src_c_handle: Centroid bezier handle that controls the reactant curves.
dest_c_handle: Centroid bezier handle that controls the product curves.
handles: List of all the BezierHandle instances, stored for convenience.
src_beziers: List[SpeciesBezier]
dest_beziers: List[SpeciesBezier]
_bounding_rect: Rect
def __init__(self, reaction: Reaction, reactants: List[Node], products: List[Node]):
reactants: List of reactant nodes.
products: List of product nodes.
handle_positions: The list of positions of the handles. 0th element is the position of
the reactant-side centroid handle, followed by the reactant handle
positions given in the same order as the reactants list, and
similarly followed by the product handle positins. Leave as None to
automatically initialize the handle positions (e.g. when a new
reaction is created).
assert len(reactants) == len(reaction.sources)
assert len(products) == len(reaction.targets)
self.reaction = reaction
self.centroid = compute_centroid([n.rect for n in chain(reactants, products)])
self.src_beziers = list()
self.dest_beziers = list()
reaction.dest_c_handle.tip = self.real_center * 2 - reaction.src_c_handle.tip
reaction.src_c_handle.base = self.real_center
reaction.dest_c_handle.base = self.real_center
# create handles for species
for index, (gi, node) in enumerate(gchain(reactants, products)):
in_products = bool(gi)
node_handle = reaction.handles[index]
centroid_handle = self.reaction.dest_c_handle if in_products else self.reaction.src_c_handle
sb = SpeciesBezier(node.index, node.rect, node_handle, self.real_center, centroid_handle,
not in_products, self.reaction.thickness, self.reaction.bezierCurves)
to_append = self.dest_beziers if in_products else self.src_beziers
def real_center(self) -> Vec2:
return self.reaction.center_pos if self.reaction.center_pos else self.centroid
[docs] def make_handle_moved_func(self, sb: SpeciesBezier):
"""Manufacture a callback function (on_moved) for the given SpeciesBezier."""
return lambda _: sb.update_curve(self.real_center)
[docs] def is_mouse_on(self, pos: Vec2) -> bool:
"""Return whether mouse is on the Bezier curve (not including the handles).
pos is the logical position of the mouse (and not multiplied by any scale).
return any(bz.is_on_curve(pos) for bz in chain(self.src_beziers, self.dest_beziers))
[docs] def src_handle_moved(self):
"""Special callback for when the source centroid handle is moved."""
self.reaction.dest_c_handle.tip = 2 * self.real_center - self.reaction.src_c_handle.tip
for bz in chain(self.src_beziers, self.dest_beziers):
[docs] def dest_handle_moved(self):
"""Special callback for when the dest centroid handle is moved."""
self.reaction.src_c_handle.tip = 2 * self.real_center - self.reaction.dest_c_handle.tip
for bz in chain(self.src_beziers, self.dest_beziers):
[docs] def center_moved(self, offset: Vec2):
self.reaction.src_c_handle.base = self.real_center
self.reaction.dest_c_handle.base = self.real_center
self.reaction.src_c_handle.tip += offset
[docs] def nodes_moved(self, rects: List[Rect]):
# TODO set center pos, but not controller. Need to update controller later.
self.centroid = compute_centroid(rects)
self.reaction.src_c_handle.base = self.real_center
self.reaction.dest_c_handle.base = self.real_center
for i, sb in enumerate(chain(self.src_beziers, self.dest_beziers)):
sb.node_rect = rects[i]
[docs] def do_paint(self, gc: wx.GraphicsContext, fill: wx.Colour, selected: bool):
for bz in chain(self.src_beziers, self.dest_beziers):
bz.do_paint(gc, fill, selected)
[docs] def get_bounding_rect(self):
return get_bounding_rect(
list(sb.get_bounding_rect() for sb in chain(self.src_beziers, self.dest_beziers)))
class Compartment(RectData):
id: str
net_index: int
nodes: List[int]
volume: float #: Size (i.e. length/area/volume/...) of the container
position: Vec2
size: Vec2 #: Size for drawing on the GUI
fill: wx.Colour
border: wx.Colour
border_width: float
index: int = -1
#dimensions: int
def rect(self):
"""The same as s_rect, but the rectangle is unscaled.
return Rect(self.position, self.size)