libroadrunner C API
Library initialization and termination methods | Initialize library and terminate library instance |
Read and write models | Read and write models to files or strings. Support for SBML formats |
Edit models | Add or remove species or reactions without modifying SBML files and reloading |
Utility functions | Various miscellaneous routines that return useful information about the library |
Error handling functions | Error handling routines |
Logging functionality | RoadRunner logging routines |
Current state of system | Compute derivatives, fluxes, and other values of the system at the current state |
Time-course simulation | Deterministic, stochastic, and hybrid simulation algorithms |
Steady state routines | Compute and obtain basic information about the steady state |
Reaction group | Get information about reaction rates |
Rates of change group | Get information about rates of change |
Boundary species group | Get information about boundary species |
Floating species group | Get information about floating species |
Initial conditions group | Set or get initial conditions |
Parameters group | Set and get global and local parameters |
Compartment group | Set and Get information on compartments |
Metabolic control analysis | Calculate control coefficients and sensitivities |
Stochastic simulations | Stochastic simulation algorithms |
Stoichiometry analysis | Linear algebra based methods for analyzing a reaction network |
Network object model (NOM) functions | Network object model functions |
Linear algebra functions | Linear algebra utility functions |
List handling routines | Some methods return lists (heterogeneous arrays of data), these routines make it easier to manipulate lists |
Helper routines | Helper routines for accessing the various C wrappers types, eg lists and arrays |
ToString routines | Render various result data types as strings |
StringArray routines | Utility routines to deal with the string array type |
Free memory routines | Routines that should be used to free various data structures generated during the course of using the library |
Reset methods | Methods for resetting instances to various initial states |
Solver options wrappers | Reflective wrappers for interacting with steady state solvers and integrators |
Configuration keys/values | Loads and sets configuration options |