
An EntityDescriptor describes “what” a model element is and “where” it is located in the physical world. An entity descriptor is essentially a linear chain of descriptor terms joined by structural relations, which are BioModels qualifiers that describe the relationship between subsequent entries in the descriptor term sequence. For example, if an annotation describes cytosolic glucose concentration in a pancreatic beta cell, then the entity descriptor would be:

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Consider another example from an physiological model. Suppose the model contains a variable that represents the volume of blood in the left ventricle:

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class EntityDescriptor

An EntityDescriptor describes “what” a model element is and “where” it is located in the physical world.

Public Functions


Empty constructor.

bool isEmpty() const


true if this descriptor is empty

void addTerm(const DescriptorTerm &t)

Add a descriptor term to the sequence of terms.

void addTerm(const Relation &relation, const Resource &resource)

Shortcut for constructing & adding a descriptor term.

void serializeToRDF(const URI &sbml_base_uri, const std::string &metaid, raptor_world *world, raptor_serializer *serializer) const

Serialize this entity descriptor to RDF using the Raptor library. This function should only be called from the Entity class. The RDF serialization format is chosen when initializing the raptor_serializer, and must be done before calling this function.


the URI for this entity.

  • sbml_base_uri: The base URI of the SBML model (usu. a relative path in a COMBINE archive).

  • metaid: The meta id of the entity this descriptor is attached to.

  • world: Raptor world object. Must be initialized prior to calling this function.

  • serializer: Raptor serializer object. Must be initialized prior to calling this function.

std::string humanize() const

Return a humanreadable representation of the annotation information. Ontology terms will be replaced with human-readable names.