Tellurium Plugin C API  1.0.0
Plugin Framework for Tellurium
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telplugins_properties_api.h File Reference

Plugins API Properties Header. More...

#include "telplugins_exporter.h"
#include "telplugins_types.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


TELHandle tpCreateProperty (const char *label, const char *type, const char *hint, void *value)
 Create a property of type "type". More...
TELHandle tpCreatePropertyList (void)
 Create a PropertyList, i.e. an object of type Properties. More...
bool tpFreeProperties (TELHandle propertiesH)
 Free a list of properties. More...
bool tpFreeProperty (TELHandle property)
 Free the memory created by a property. More...
bool tpAddPropertyToList (TELHandle handle, TELHandle property)
 Add a property to a properties container, from a property pointer. More...
bool tpSetPropertyByString (TELHandle handle, const char *value)
 Set a property value by a string. More...
bool tpGetBoolProperty (TELHandle handle, bool *value)
 Get a boolean property. More...
bool tpSetBoolProperty (TELHandle handle, bool value)
 Set a boolean property. More...
bool tpSetIntProperty (TELHandle handle, int value)
 Set an int property. More...
bool tpGetIntProperty (TELHandle handle, int *value)
 Get the value of an int property. More...
bool tpSetDoubleProperty (TELHandle handle, double value)
 Set a double property. More...
bool tpGetDoubleProperty (TELHandle handle, double *value)
 Get the value of a double property. More...
bool tpSetStringProperty (TELHandle handle, char *value)
 Set a string (char*) property. More...
bool tpGetStringProperty (TELHandle handle, const char *(*value))
 Get the value of a string (char*) property. More...
bool tpSetListProperty (TELHandle handle, void *value)
 Set a listOfProperties (Properties) property. More...
bool tpGetListProperty (TELHandle handle, void *value)
 Get the value of a listOfProperties (Properties) property. More...
bool tpSetTelluriumDataProperty (TELHandle handle, void *value)
 Set a telluriumDataProperty property. More...
bool tpGetTelluriumDataProperty (TELHandle handle, void *value)
 Get the value of a telluriumDataProperty property. More...
char * tpGetPropertyInfo (TELHandle handle)
 Get a property's info. More...
char * tpGetPropertyValueAsString (TELHandle handle)
 Get a property's value as char*. More...
void * tpGetPropertyValueHandle (TELHandle handle)
 Get a handle to a property's value. More...
char * tpGetPropertyName (TELHandle handle)
 Get a property's name. More...
char * tpGetPropertyHint (TELHandle handle)
 Get a property's hint. More...
bool tpSetPropertyHint (TELHandle handle, const char *value)
 Set a property's hint. More...
char * tpGetPropertyDescription (TELHandle handle)
 Get a property's description. More...
bool tpSetPropertyDescription (TELHandle handle, const char *value)
 Set a property's Description. More...
char * tpGetPropertyType (TELHandle handle)
 Get a property's type. More...
TELHandle tpGetFirstProperty (TELHandle handle)
 Get a property containers 'first' property. More...
TELHandle tpGetNextProperty (TELHandle handle)
 Get a property containers 'next' property. More...
TELHandle tpGetPreviousProperty (TELHandle handle)
 Get a property containers 'previous' property. More...
TELHandle tpGetCurrentProperty (TELHandle handle)
 Get a property containers 'current' property. More...
char * tpGetNamesFromPropertyList (TELHandle handle)
 Get a list of names for a plugins property's. More...
TELHandle tpGetProperty (TELHandle handle, const char *name)
 Get a handle to a particular property. More...
bool tpClearPropertyList (TELHandle handle)
 Clear a list of properties. More...

Detailed Description

Plugins API Properties Header.

Totte Karlsson & Herbert M Sauro

<-----------------------------------------------------------— This file is part of cRoadRunner. See for more details.

Copyright (C) 2012-2013 University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

In plain english this means:

You CAN freely download and use this software, in whole or in part, for personal, company internal, or commercial purposes;

You CAN use the software in packages or distributions that you create.

You SHOULD include a copy of the license in any redistribution you may make;

You are NOT required include the source of software, or of any modifications you may have made to it, in any redistribution you may assemble that includes it.


redistribute any piece of this software without proper attribution;