Selecting Simulation Output =========================== RoadRunner supports a range of options for selecting what data a simulation should return. For more detailed information on selections, see the :ref:`selecting-values` section. The simulate method, by default returns an `structured array `_, which are arrays that also contain column names. These can be plotted directly using the built in :meth:`~RoadRunner.plot()` function. The output selections default to time and the set of floating species. It is possible to change the simulation result values by changing the selection list. For example assume that a model has three species, S1, S2, and S3 but we only want :meth:`~RoadRunner.simulate()` to return time in the first column and S2 in the second column. To specify this we would type:: rr.timeCourseSelections = ['time', 'S2'] result = rr.simulate (0, 10, 100) In another example let say we wanted to plot a phase plot where S1 is plotted against S2. To do this we type the following:: rr.timeCourseSelections = ['S1', 'S2'] result = rr.simulate(0, 10, 100) Some additional examples include: .. code-block:: Python # Select time and two rates of change (dS1/dt and dS2/dt) rr.timeCourseSelections = ["time", "S1'", "S2'"] # By default species names yield amounts, concentrations can be obtained # using square brackets, e.g. rr.timeCourseSelections = ['time', '[S1]', '[S2]']