********************* Bifurcation Analysis ********************* Bifurcation analysis is useful for understanding model with multiple steady states. RoadRunner supports bifurcation analysis through `rrplugins `_ package, which is an extension package to RoadRunner and provides an interface to AUTO2000. Start using rrplugins package by importing the library and creating a Plugin instance. >>> from rrplugins import * >>> auto = Plugin("tel_auto2000") The Plugin instance will have various properties you can set. For example, to load a model: >>> sbmlModel = "path/to/SBML/model/" >>> auto.setProperty("SBML", readAllText(sbmlModel)) To change number maximum number of steps: >>> auto.setProperty("NMX", 5000) To change the scan direction: >>> auto.setProperty("ScanDirection", "Positive") To change principal continuation parameter as well as its lower and upper bounds: >>> auto.setProperty("PrincipalContinuationParameter", A) >>> auto.setProperty("PCPLowerBound", 10) >>> auto.setProperty("PCPUpperBound", 200) Execute the plugin by running: >>> auto.execute() rrplugins package comes with several plotting functions as well, which is espeicially useful for plotting bifucation diagrams with ease. After executing the plugin, results will be stored in ``BifurcationPoints``, ``BifurcationLabels``, and ``BifurcationData``. You can use these information to plot a bifurcation diagram. >>> pts = auto.BifurcationPoints >>> lbls = auto.BifurcationLabels >>> biData = auto.BifurcationData >>> biData.plotBifurcationDiagram(pts, lbls) To see the full list of properties, go to `rrplugins AUTO2000 documentation `_