Conserved Moiety Conversion ___________________________ .. class:: PyConservedMoietyConverter() :module: RoadRunner Create a new conserved moiety converter. .. method:: PyConservedMoietyConverter.setDocument(sbmlOrURI) :module: RoadRunner Sets the source document. This may be either the contents of an sbml docment as a string, or the path the the file. :param str sbmlOrURI: contents or path of source document :returns: an integer indicating success or failure, 0 means success. :rtype: int .. method:: PyConservedMoietyConverter.convert() :module: RoadRunner Perform the document conversion. :returns: an integer indicating success or failure, 0 means success. :rtype: int .. method:: PyConservedMoietyConverter.getDocument() :module: RoadRunner Get the converted document contents. :returns: The contents of the converted document, or empty string if there is no source document.