Miscellaneous Functions _______________________ .. py:function:: getCopyrightStr() :module: roadrunner Returns the copyright string .. py:function:: getVersionStr() :module: roadrunner Returns the version string .. staticmethod:: RoadRunner_getExtendedVersionInfo() :module: roadrunner :func:`getVersionStr()` with infomation about dependent libs versions. .. staticmethod:: RoadRunner_getParamPromotedSBML(*args) :module: roadrunner Takes an SBML document (in textual form) and changes all of the local parameters to be global parameters. :param str SBML: the contents of an SBML document :rtype: str .. py:function:: validateSBML(*args) :module: roadrunner Given a string, check whether the string is a valid SBML string. Raises exception if the string is not a valid SBML string. :param str SBML: the contents of an SBML document .. py:function:: listTestModels() :module: roadrunner Lists all the test models. .. py:function:: loadTestModel(name) :module: roadrunner Load a test model given a name. :param str name: name of the test model